5 Tarot Spreads for Self-Reflection

One of the divine tools that has gained massive popularity in recent years is tarot. It has become a part of lifestyle allowing individuals to explore and heal their inner souls.

It  has become a powerful device for personal growth and self-reflection. Tarot spreads, specifically provides an organized way to explore your emotions and thoughts.

Read below as we delve into Five tarot spreads particularly created for self-reflection.

Tarot Spreads For Better Readings

If you’re new, tarot spread might confuse you. In short, it’s a way of placing cards in a specific manner. Through different tarot spreads, you can ask specific questions or look at your other life aspects more visibly.

It is like a map for the soul that helps untangle your labyrinth mind. There are various tarot spreads with different placings. With a specific card spread, it allows you to have a deeper understanding of your thoughts. More importantly, choosing the right tarot spread helps you with accurate result.

For instance, you want to have a quick look into your past, present and future. In this case, a simple three-card spread allows you to look these life aspects. Likewise, the Celtic Cross spread makes a suitable choice for a deeper insight into your life.

Five Tarot Spreads For Self-Reflection

Given below are five popular tarot spreads for self-reflection:

The Celtic Cross Spread

One of the well-known spreads for self-reflection is Celtic Cross spread. It is a powerful spread which acts like a map for your soul. Through different cards, it uncovers your innermost thoughts and emotions.

If you ever feel like you are in a state of confusion or feeling lost, this tarot spread might help you find answers to your hidden feelings. It’s a ten-card Celtic Cross which is not generally recommended for beginners as it requires deeper understanding and connection.

While you can use the spread for seeking general message, the spread is a great way to answer specific doubts or questions.

The Celtic Cross spread comprises ten cards where the first six cards focus on your current issue. These cards represent the theme, obstacles, cause of the issue, past affecting your current issue and possibility of what will happen in the future. The additional four cards answer your questions such as your fears or hopes, and most probable result from the current issue.

This spread is mainly for expert readers who are intuitive and confident with their tarot cards.

The Self-Discovery Spread

This tarot spread is an excellent option for those seeking clarity about their inner thoughts. It comprises five cards organised in a cross formation, with fifth card placed at the center. The five cards represent different facet of self-discovery.

  • Card 1, the center, reveals your true essence which is your core self.
  • Card 2, placed above shows your aspirations or your highest potential.
  • Card 3, placed below signifies your hidden desires or subconscious influences.
  • Card 4, placed left, represents past influences that have shaped you or impacted your identity.
  • Card 5, placed right, shows your current pathway or future potential.

These interpretations through cards give an insight into your self-perception, aspirations and other forces which may have impacted your identity.

The Emotional Healing Spread

Emotional wounds can hinder your self-growth which might also take a toll on your health. It’s an important aspect which requires healing to find inner peace. The Emotional Healing Tarot Spread is one of those spreads that caters to this kind of need. It consists of six cards each which is laid out in a circular shape.

  • Card 1 represents your current issue or emotional core.
  • Card 2 represents your hidden emotions in relation to your current issue.
  • Card 3 shows the external factors which affects your emotions.
  • Card 4 provides guidelines to follow for emotional healing.
  • Card 5 is more like releases in order to heal. It asks you to let go of your past and embrace the present.
  • Card 6 reveals the possible outcome of emotional healing.

Through this tarot spread, it allows you to find the emotional scope within you. It helps in identifying the problems and thus allowing you work towards healing.

The Three Card Spread

The Three Card Spread provide a glimpse on your past, present and future. With only three tarot cards, it unravels your hidden thoughts and truths. Whether it’s a wakeup call, guidance or reassurance, your doubts will be answered through this spread. It’s the simplest spread that allows you to self-reflect or introspect.

  • Card 1 represents your past. It helps uncover your past influences or experiences relevant to your current situation.
  • Card 2, which is placed in the middle, represent your present state. It reveals your current state or challenges you’re facing.
  • Card 3 reveals your potential future result based on the first two cards which shows the past and present.

The Path To Growth Spread

Another helpful tarot spread for self-reflection is the Path to Growth Spread. It’s designed to help find areas of personal growth and provide a pathway for self-reflection or improvement. This spread comprises seven cards placed in a diagonal line.

  • Card 1 which is the starting point shows your current situation or state.
  • Card 2 represents obstacles or challenges faced by you.
  • Card 3 represents your inner resource and strength.
  • Card 4 provides guidance or advice to overcome your obstacles.
  • Card 5 allows you to see changes required in your life for personal growth.
  • Card 6 represents the potential result of your self-growth.
  • Card 7 is the ultimate result of your self-development journey.

This tarot spread helps you gain a clearer life perspective and steps you need to take to achieve self-growth and overcome obstacles that comes your way.

Tarot reading gets easier and able to deliver accurate guidance when you choose the right tarot spreads. In this case, the five spreads mentioned above helps in self-reflection. These spreads allow you to have deeper insights of your hidden thoughts allowing you to gain a wider perspective within yourself. It helps improve within and thus provide a positive outlook.