Money And Finance Tarot Spreads

Concerns about money and finance have always been around since the conception of money itself. How do I make more money? What is the proper path for me to take to remove myself from this dreadful financial situation I find myself in? How do I achieve financial prosperity?

As such people have relied on certain means such as money and finance tarot spreads reading to push through this slump. It’s only human to face problems in life and we can all understand that financial issues can be rough.

If you’re at a point in life where you need financial guidance to recover, get better insights or possibly attract prosperity; money tarot card reading can be a powerful tool to help you find the answers you’re looking for!

These spreads will not only help you uncover the truth about the financial issues you’re facing and reveal negative spiritual effects that might have a hand in it etc., but they can also help you attract more wealth in the future.

Starting from a well-informed 3-card money spread to 8 let’s help you uncover the truth about your money and finances.

3-Card Spread For Financial Abundance

Quite often people confuse manifestation with the occult. Regardless of what these people think, this approach has helped countless individuals achieve their goals.

The 3-card spread for wealth manifestation is an art passed down for generations. So basically it grants people financial freedom by helping them attain a positive outlook on the world around them.

Additionally, the main objective of this spread is to give you insight into how you can attract more wealth. As simple as it is, this spread offers great in-depth answers. Here’s how to do it:

  • Card One- This card represents your relationship with financial abundance.
  • Card Two- Card number two represents the thing you can do to attract more abundance.
  • Card Three- This card reveals any unexpected opportunities for prosperity available to you.

4-Card Tarot Spread For Money Problems

Next up is the 4-card tarot spread for all your financial issues. If you’re seeking direct guidance on taking clear actions to help you recover from this dreadful money situation maybe try this powerful spread. Here’s how to do it:

  • Card One- This card will reveal the main cause of your financial despair.
  • Card Two- This card represents the thing you need to do right this moment to remove yourself.
  • Card Three- Card Three reveals the antagonists that are working against you. (Obstacles)
  • Card Four- Finally card four reveals where you will find the necessary resources and help.

Additionally, as humans we’re not immune to financial issues– short-term or long-term. If you’ve recently had a minor fallout with money or you’ve always suffered from money problems– a big spender etc., the proper way in dealing with it would be to heal it by understanding the root cause of it. It’s similar to the above spread and you just have to tweak the theme.

5-Card Money Tarot Spread

Here’s a 5-money tarot spread technique that combines almost all important aspects of money and finance. We’ll be placing the cards in ascending order- 2 below 2 in between and 1 at the top.

  • Cards one and two- Place these cards at the bottom. Card one will represent your current financial situation– “What’s my relationship with money?” etc., while card two will reveal where your new sources of income will occur or arrive from. “What does the immediate future look like in terms of my financial situation?” “Will there be any spiritual forces that will affect my position for the better?”
  • Cards three and four- You may place these cards in the middle just above one and two. Card three will reveal the opportunities that you need to consider looking at– “Am I ignoring something?” “What type of opportunities should I go for?”. On the other hand card four will offer in-depth information on how the opportunities that card three reveals will benefit you shortly.
  • Card Five- Finally this card is placed on top of all the rest. This card will reveal the financial outcome and offer guidance for the future. “Will my financial situation look better if I take control of my financial future?”

8-Card Financial Prosperity Spread

Last but not least the 8-card financial prosperity spread is a powerful tool that you can use if your goal is to attain financial wealth and prosperity in the coming future.

It offers great insights and step-by-step type of guidance to pursue clear actions in achieving this very accessible dream. It’s similar to all the spreads above but it offers more depth. Before we show you how to do it, place the cards in this manner– 3 cards on top, 2 in the middle and 3 at the bottom.

  • Cards Two One And Three- These cards are placed at the bottom in the same way they are written. Card one represents the current financial situation that you’re in and card two reveals the financial lessons that you have learned from your past. Lastly card three reveals the financial issues that you have to overcome currently.
  • Cards Four And Five- These cards are placed in the middle just above cards 21 and 3. Card four shows you the immediate steps you need to take to improve your current financial situation while card five reveals the opportunities for money-making that you might be missing out on.
  • Cards Seven Six And Eight- The top cards. Card six offers insights into who and what can help you right this moment. Additionally card seven reveals your subconscious thoughts on prosperity and good fortune while offering ways to help you get these things. Lastly card eight reveals the outcome and offers guidance for the future all to aid you in achieving prosperity.

The purpose of money and finance tarot spreads are not just powerful tools to help you manifest wealth or help you get out of your sticky financial issues. They’re also a way to help you cultivate a positive mindset, offer you a fresh perspective on things and help you change yourself for the better.

These are some of the most popular spreads that you can delve into to find the answers that you’re seeking for.