4 Career Tarot Spreads

Are you having doubts regarding which line of career you should go for? Is there an unfulfillment in your life created by your job? Or are you simply curious about where your career might take you? All the answers to these questions are easier to obtain than you think.

It’s a human thing for any one of us to have questions regarding our career. Everyone goes through this phase and for some people, turning to tarot has given them significant clarity.

People all over the world from different cultures have been seeking the help of these magical cards for several years now. If you require clarity on questions of what career suits you, why you’re unhappy in your job, or how you can fix problems in your work, tarot spreads that focus on career can come to your aid!

This guide will help you learn everything you need to know about different career tarot spreads and their usefulness.

Some Popular Tarot Spreads for Career

It would excite you to learn that in tarot practice, there are several ways or spreads that you can use to get answers to your career questions. Take a look at some of the most popular and effective career spreads in tarot.

  1. The Brick Career Tarot Spread

Choose this spread if you’re already working in a job and need clarity on whether you should or should not continue. You might know this spread as the brick by brick spread as well.

To perform this, start by placing one card on top, two in the next row, and three in the last row. It should look like a card-tower. Since the spread uses six cards, it means that this tarot spread helps target six questions.

The first card in the spread helps highlight your role and purpose at your work. The following cards throw light on what keeps you going at work if you feel satisfied, are your skills an asset to the job, and where this career might lead you.

Choose this spread if you need a detailed, comprehensive review of your current work life.

  1. The Three Card Career Spread

Are you someone who is wondering which line of career will be the best one for you? Do you have doubts that are stopping you from choosing a career path? If so you should try out this tarot spread that uses three cards.

It’s very simple to execute and is beginner-friendly as well. All you need to do is shuffle the deck first and draw three cards and put them all in a straight line.

The first card in the series will help you answer where your skills will excel and be cherished. Card number two focuses on money and will tell you if you’re going to run into problems with money or not. Finally, the third card will tell you what obstacles you should expect on your journey to finding a career.

  1. The Four-Card Or Purpose Tarot Spread

The idea of searching for the perfect career and finding our sole purpose in life can be scary and stressful. But with the help of this spread, you don’t need to worry anymore. The “purpose spread” is designed to answer career-related questions and clarify all your doubts.

You will need to draw four cards for this spread and lay them out in a diamond position.  The first two cards deal with your life’s destiny and what sort of career fits into your destiny and purpose.

Cards number three and four answer questions about whether you should pursue a new career and ways you can achieve your life’s destiny.

With the help of four cards and a little psychic powers of tarot, you will know whether you should continue with your current job or it’s about time to find something new and exciting.

  1. The Job Interview Tarot Spread

Let’s face it, interviews are scary and can make any grown adults nervous and anxious. Whether it’s your first interview or your tenth, a little preparation goes a long way. This is where you can make use of this interview spread.

The spread uses five cards and can provide you with insights about what you can expect during the interview. Place two cards on top and the remaining three in the bottom row.  Now you’re ready to perform this spread and see how your interview will go.

We recommend using this spread before an interview because it tells you about your strengths as well as ways to overcome your shortcomings. Moreover you will also receive advice on the things you can do in order to ace the interview and land the job through this spread.

The final card in the spread will give you an idea about how the interview is going to play out.

The search for a career that can offer financial stability and mental happiness at the same time can be a real challenge. So many young adults and even grown adults are confused about which line of work to enter or if they should stay in their current professions.

With the help of the tarot spreads we mentioned above that deal specifically with career and finance, you can say goodbye to the stress and anxiety that comes with a job hunt. These career tarot spreads work like a charm for guiding you into the best career.