3 Tarot Spreads to Reveal Truth

There are many situations in life when things don’t seem clear. It could be something about a relationship, or perhaps you simply feel like there’s something you’re missing in work, but you don’t know what.

Many times, our instincts prove us right, but there are also situations when we don’t want to mess anything up, hence the necessity of guidance.

Fortunately, there are quite a few tarot spreads out there, and many of them can guide you accordingly. But when it comes to revealing the truth, here are some great spreads for revelation.

Six or Seven Card Tarot Spread to Reveal Truth

Normally, this spread is one with six cards and should give you enough clearance. However, you can also expand this spread with an extra card, but only if things aren’t clear enough.

The first three cards go in a triangle, starting from the top and moving to the left. The first card reveals what you want to see or believe. It will reveal things that you may already know. After all, it’s how you see things.

The second card is more important because it showcases things you don’t want to see. It’s a subconscious thing. They’re there, and you see them, but you’re blinded by what you want to see, so you subconsciously overlook them.

The third card reveals the truth. It shows you what’s true about something in particular. It could reveal the truth behind a situation or perhaps someone’s hidden intentions.

The next three cards go in a similar shape and formation. The fourth one will reveal what you want to happen. Even if you’re not sure about the outcome, it reveals what your subconscious mind hopes to see.

On the same note, the fifth card showcases things you don’t want to see, such as a negative outcome.

The last card tells you what may happen.

Now, the seventh card is optional. If you’re not happy with the outcome or what’s about to happen, you can draw it and ask what you can do to change the outcome. It will offer some guidance regarding your future actions.

Eight Card Tarot Spread to Reveal Truth

If you need a deeper insight into a complicated situation, this tarot spread to reveal the truth will showcase more details about your current and future circumstances.

There are eight cards in the spread.

The first one reveals your biggest fear or distraction. It’s supposed to go straight in the middle. It’s related to your current situation, so it has to be interpreted with your particular circumstances in mind.

The second card goes to its right. It shows you where to focus instead. It’s a guiding card that pinpoints the right direction for your plans, simple as that.

The third card must be revealed to the left of the first card, in a line, but with a gap between them. It shows details of an experience from your past, something that hinders your growth today. You need to let go of it.

The fourth card, on the other hand, shows useful experiences you might’ve learned from. It should be revealed between the first and third card, hence the gap you had to leave earlier.

The fifth card goes to the right of the second card and tells you what to cultivate in order to reveal the truth. The sixth card goes right next to it, on its right, and tells you what your next step should be in order to make the truth more visible.

The seventh card goes below the first two cards and reveals your inner strength in finding the truth. It’s also a card that offers guidance, as you’ll know what quality to work on in order to find the truth.

As for the eighth card, it reveals someone who may help you find the truth. It’s about outside help. It could be a person, a thing, or a situation. It goes above the first two cards.

Five Card Tarot Spread to Reveal Truth

A similar tarot spread to reveal the truth can be done with five cards only and aims to provide a high degree of clarity in your situation.

The first card will give you the message you need to hear right now. It asks you to check in on yourself, so you have to be honest in figuring out the interpretation.

The second card goes to the right, but slightly higher. It shows what you want to do. It may reveal things you’re not aware of only because they’re deep in your subconscious mind.

The third card is very important in revealing the truth because it tells you what you have to be aware of. It’s supposed to go to the right of the second card. It could indicate a person in your life or maybe a decision, not to mention a unique situation.

The fourth card goes under the second card. It shows you your biggest strength in finding the truth. It’s seen as a card about guidance because you’ll know what kind of powers to harness in order to find what you’re after.

As for the last card, it goes to the right of the fourth card and reveals some outside help. It could be a person close to you, as well as a stranger. It could be a particular situation, but then, help isn’t always external. A vision or support may also come from deep down within yourself.

In the end, by using any of these best tarot spreads to reveal the truth, you can start an empowering journey of self-discovery and insight. Remember, tarot is not just about predicting the future; it’s a tool for reflection and understanding.