Suit of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Along with other suits, the suit of swords is part of the Minor Arcana set of cards. Like other suits, it relates to everyday happenings in your life. There are fourteen cards in this suit, each of them with its own interpretation based on the type of reading and position.

The swords are associated with the element of air. This element brings in a series of energies. Most importantly, it carries crystal clear messages in a transparent manner, some of them quite sharp. Let’s see how the suit of swords can help you see things clearly.

Meaning of the Suit of Swords

The suit of swords has a few different associations in tarot readings. While such cards are associated with the capacity to fight, the truth is they mainly relate to logic, as well as your thinking capabilities. When you see such a card in a reading, it aims to tell you what your rational mind thinks about one thing or another.

From a different point of view, the swords will also relate to your ability to communicate, so they determine how you interact in interpersonal relations. On the same note, communication may lead to conflict, and that’s when the interpretation refers to your fighting abilities.

Using the Suit of Swords in Tarot Readings

When you see swords in your reading, chances are you’ll end up in a forceful place. There will be a challenge in your life, such as a heartbreak or perhaps a legal battle. In other words, swords can teach you some useful lessons in life.

Apart from the air element associations, the swords also have something to do with the fall season. They help you see the truth with a strong connection, so the swords can also indicate fairness and justice.

Each card carries significant information about your life. For example, the Three of Swords could indicate a heartbreak in a love reading. It could tell you that it’s coming, but it may also turn up when you’re already sad.

On the other hand, the Ten of Swords could indicate revival is no longer possible. You’ve already been through a challenge, and while it looks like a loss, it’s actually closure. It could show up in a love reading or even a career one.

Strengths of the Suit of Swords

The suit of swords has a few strengths. Most importantly, it operates in the realm of thoughts. It also has a strong connection to your intelligence, even the emotional one, not to mention communication. It’s basically how you see the world around you, how you organize information and how you analyze it.

Given these aspects, the suit is ideal in terms of clarity, but it also supports your personal knowledge. As a general rule of thumb, people relating to the suit of swords tend to be more curious about new things. They have good morals and make logical decisions. They’re also disciplined in their plans.

Weaknesses of the Suit of Swords

While the suit of swords does have a few pluses, it’s not perfect. From some points of view, it can also become a bit problematic in a tarot reading. Swords, like in every aspect of life, can be used in a good way, but also in a negative way. A sword can save, but it can also hurt. That’s what the suit is about.

From this point of view, the suit of swords can also indicate aggressive behavior. It could be interpreted from a violent perspective, symbolizing conflict and disagreements. In some interpretations, the swords indicate using logic and sharpness to intimidate others.

When reversed, these cards relate around confusion and a general coldness.

Most Popular Correspondences for the Suit of Swords

The suit of swords is associated with the element of air. Some of the best descriptive keywords include logic, intellect and deep communication, yet they can also relate to ideas.

The suit has an active duality and is mostly related to zodiac signs like Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.

In some tarot interpretations, the swords are referred to as spades. It doesn’t affect their interpretation though.

Their Jungian function is thinking. As for the direction associated with this suit, they normally go east. In terms of timing, swords are associated with the dawn, as well as the springtime.

Cards in the Suit of Swords Explained

Cards in the suit of swords have different interpretations, normally depending on the reading and position.

Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords relates to your vision. That’s what guides you. It’s a card that shows victory and evolution. It usually turns up at the beginning of a new venture, whether you start something new or leave something behind. If reversed, it shows chaos in a brutal manner.

Two of Swords

The Two of Swords brings in some conflicting options. You’ll need to make a decision in order to find balance. You could deal with some misunderstandings, so you won’t be 100% sure which way to go. When reversed, it tells you that both options are bad for you, yet you’ll still have to choose one.

Three of Swords

Depicting a heart pierced by three swords, the Three of Swords shows heartache. It relates to some sort of sadness or separation, but it may also turn up after you’ve been through such a problem. It encourages you to move on. If reversed, it indicates recovery, as well as forgiveness.

Four of Swords

The Four of Swords asks you to take a break or you’ll reach burnout. A break is imperative to come back stronger and clearer. You’ll have to contemplate your current actions and further plans. If it shows up reversed, the card shows extreme stress and an actual burnout.

Five of Swords

The Five of Swords is about conflict. You’re currently going through a battle, which you have to evaluate. Is there anything to win? Anything to lose? Maybe this analysis will show you what you need to do in order to gain something. When reversed, the card shows a lingering resentment.

Six of Swords

The Six of Swords indicates leaving a problematic situation. It’s something you don’t want to do, but it’s the only way to move forward. It’s a supportive form of encouragement but also a reminder that leaving things behind will help at times. If reversed, the card symbolizes emotional damage.

Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords shows disappointment. From some points of view, it’s a good thing, as you can finally move on. But then, the card may also indicate betrayal, usually from someone close to you. When reversed, it refers to rethinking your strategy and coming clean.

Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords represents a time when you may feel stuck. There’s always a solution, though, but most limitations are set in your own mind. If you change your mindset, you can set yourself free, so open up to a different perspective. When reversed, it shows freedom and that new perspective you need.

Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords shows some sort of fear. But these worries are often in your head only. Worrying too much won’t help a situation. Take its power away by addressing your own emotions and thoughts. If the card is reversed, it could indicate despair, but also a form of reaching out for hope.

Ten of Swords

The Ten of Swords is the end of a cycle. You can’t go back at this point. Whether you’ve been through a win or a loss, things are clear now, and you can pick the right direction. It’s time to move on. When reversed, the card tells you that things just cannot get any worse. From this point on, you’ll only move up.

Page of Swords

The Page of Swords tells you that you have what you need to start some action. You do need a few more details and facts though. Reversed, it shows nothing but talk, as well as manipulation at times.

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords is ready for action. Make sure your intentions are just, and you can finally make things happen. Beware if the card is reversed because it shows you lack direction, so your action won’t take you anywhere.

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords shows a clever approach and independence. This card is a message to be independent and fight for your point of view. You need to be strong and show what you’re made of. If the card is reversed, it shows bitterness and a cold hearted attitude.

King of Swords

The King of Swords is the face of wisdom. It shows fairness and intelligence, but also life experience. The card also shows support. However, the same king can be cruel and manipulative if the card is revealed in a reversed position.