Six of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Six of Swords displays a woman and a child in a boat. They’re reaching towards a land, meaning they must’ve left something behind. The woman is covered, which means she is clearly trying to hide her identity, so there is a secret involved.

Whether it’s a change, a loss or a promising future, the interpretation of the card depends on its position and type of reading. These being said, let’s see some of the most popular meanings for the Six of Swords.

Meaning of Upright Six of Swords

In an upright position, the Six of Swords indicates a move, a transition. However, it’s not necessarily a happy one, given the hiding profile of the woman in the card. This transition is based on decisions which inevitably force you to leave things behind while growing.

It’s not unusual, though. We all have to leave things behind in order to move on. It’s just how life is. The card depicts a form of sadness, but at the same time, reaching a land means that sadness isn’t permanent.

Sometimes, leaving something behind is the easy way, rather than trying to fix it.

Upright Six of Swords in Love & Relationships

In a love and relationship reading, the upright Six of Swords refers to a struggle. However, the fight is close to an end now. It could be anything. It could be a problematic relationship or just a painful part of your career.

Either way, the card recommends leaving it all behind and moving on. There’s not much left to fix. You’ll end up heading towards the unknown, but the future could be bright.

On the other hand, if you’re single, you may need to make a change and accept love in your life. You’re fully recovered now, so old wounds should no longer hold you back.

Tarotoo card

Upright Six of Swords in Career

For your career, the Six of Swords in an upright position tells you stress is nearly over. You’ve been through a problematic time in your workplace. As the calmness settles, you’re about to feel tranquillity. The fog clears up, so you’ll find your job to be much more fulfilling and relaxing.

You should see some consistent progress on any project in work. If you do everything by the book, this improvement could be a permanent feel.

In some interpretations, the Six of Swords means you’re changing roles or jobs. You’ll end up in a more suitable position, which will bring great success.

Upright Six of Swords in Money

The upright Six of Swords shows that you’ve struggled financially. It could’ve been anything. A bad paying job, poor choices in how you spend your money or just your habit to borrow money from those around you. All these things put you in a difficult situation in the past, but you’ve learned from it.

These days, you’ll feel more comfortable with your money, meaning the pressure is gone. Financial stability is no longer an issue, as you’ve left financial issues behind. However, the card is also a warning. Make sure you don’t repeat those mistakes in the future.

If you think running away from problems will make them disappear, you’re wrong. They’ll keep chasing you as they aggravate.

Upright Six of Swords in Health

In a health context, the upright Six of Swords shows your problems are gone. It could’ve been an injury or perhaps an acute disease. Symptoms and discomfort are slowly fading away. In general, seeing this card is an excellent sign.

It doesn’t mean the pain is gone, though. You’re still experiencing issues. You may still feel drained or tired, but you’re definitely moving in the right direction.

If you can afford it, a weekend getaway or a short holiday could put you back on track in no time.

If you’re interested in conceiving, this is a good time. You might’ve tried in the past, unsuccessfully. Things are getting better now, so feel free to try again. If there already is a pregnancy, the card shows a successful one.

If you ask about someone’s feelings, the upright Six of Swords tells you that they’re in a transition mode. They’re ready to change and leave everything behind. It could be a positive thing or a negative one, depending on your circumstances.

Their intentions are to move on. The past is history, so there’s no need to bother about it. That person could be leaving or just looking for a new beginning.

Curious how someone sees you? They’re ready to move on with you. They’re ready to leave the past behind and join you for a brighter future.

The best advice for you is to move on. Leave today’s difficulties behind and start fresh.

Meaning of Reversed Six of Swords

In a reversed position, the Six of Swords shows that you’ve already tried to move on. You know already there’s no point clinging to the future. However, the universe has a different plan. You’ve been through all kinds of challenges, so moving forward looks impossible.

You may also return to the past. Many times, the card indicates that some small issues here and there should actually be sorted before moving on.

The card may also show that life wants you to move on, but you’re resisting transition. You don’t have to feel forced to do it but just open your mind.

Reversed Six of Swords in Love & Relationships

In a love reading, you’ll have to ask yourself what holds you back. You’re strongly tied to the past, so there has to be a reason. You want to leave it behind and move on, but you just can’t. Maybe it’s not the wisest decision, or you just see it as your comfort zone.

You might be trying to stay in a poor relationship only because you have some good memories, but that won’t help you in the long run. Insecurities could also hold you behind. The secret here is to find out what binds you, then think about a few techniques to work on your new future.

It looks like you’re making a sacrifice, but that’s only a misconception.

Reversed Six of Swords in Career

For your career, the reversed Six of Swords means you can’t escape problems. There are all kinds of disagreements at work, causing stress and tension. Not only is it exhausting, but you also feel mentally tired.

Somehow, you’re trapped in the job. Maybe you can’t find something better or you wouldn’t be able to leave it due to your expenses.

In some interpretations, the card suggests that you’re the problem. Learn to let things go, rather than hold a grudge. Therefore, pay attention to your own attitude too. Even if you do manage to leave this career, problems may show up again at some point if you’re the one causing problems.

Reversed Six of Swords in Money

Are you trying to sort out your financial life? In terms of finances, you’ll find it impossible to get out of trouble right now. There’s not much you can do, but keep fighting and trying to reorganize your life. Simply put, learn to confront your issues and deal with them in a calm and effective manner.

You’ll have to see the bigger picture. Certain things may seem impossible to solve right now, but there might be some solutions if you’re objective. Accept the situation as it is and focus on what you actually have control over.

If you’re struggling too much, a professional could also help.

Reversed Six of Swords in Health

Hoping to recover after an injury or illness? Good luck. The card in a reversed position means you’ll find it more difficult. Even if it looks like things are getting better, they’re not. Your recovery will take much longer than you anticipated.

Perhaps your body is too weak, so you need to rest some more. Maybe you’re facing some complications. It’s normal to feel down but don’t let this issue overwhelm you. It’s not a permanent state. Find your balance and focus on the healing process, things will get better.

The reversed Six of Swords isn’t a good sign if you’re trying to conceive. It shows that fertility problems will persist, so even if you try, you’re less likely to succeed. The card may also indicate an unsuccessful pregnancy surrounded by drama.

If you need to know more about someone’s feelings, they feel overwhelmed. They can’t move forward. They know they have to, but they find it nearly impossible.

That person’s intentions are good, but they just can’t do it. It’s an uphill battle, but they’ll eventually do it if they persist.

You’re not seen as a reliable option. That person doesn’t see you as a valid option for the future, so they don’t necessarily want to continue with you.

As for actions, embrace the situation and confront it. You cannot escape it, so you might as well stand up in front of it.

Numerological Meaning of Six of Swords

The Six of Swords relates to the number 6. The number is often associated with a good flow and communication. It’s about peace and harmony, even if it actually symbolizes the struggle to reach them.

Deep down inside you, you know there is a desire for tranquility and peace. It makes no difference if you need peace with yourself or just someone around you.

In traditional numerology, the number 6 may tell you that your destiny is at play. But then, in the long run, the number shows good fortune. It’s about happiness, prosperity and a happy home.

Astrological Meaning of Six of Swords

There are more associations behind the Six of Swords.

For example, it could relate to Mercury, meaning it’s about alchemy and manifestation. It reminds you of traditions and how you can use them to build a bright future.

A more common association is with Pluto, which represents personal regeneration and transformation, which relates more to the common interpretations of the Six of Swords.

Pluto also symbolizes the possibility to let go of the past.

Zodiac Correspondence of the Six of Swords

Represented by the element of air, the Six of Swords can be associated with a few different zodiac signs. Most interpretations relate to Scorpio though.

The zodiac sign represents transformation in more stages, but it mainly revolves around basic emotions, which could affect this transition.

In some interpretations, the Six of Swords is also associated with Aquarius.

Yes or No Meaning for the Six of Swords

When asking a yes or no question, pay attention to the position of the card. If drawn in an upright position, it’s a strong yes. It tells you to move on, so leave everything behind and start fresh. It’s the best way to build your future from scratch. However, the card may also represent an ending, rather than a beginning.

On the other hand, the Six of Swords is a solid no if reversed. You can’t move, simple as that. You’re stuck in the present, and until you face all your problems, you won’t be able to do it. You know that you have to move on, but you can’t just hide away.

Key Actions for the Six of Swords

In an upright position, the Six of Swords advises you to grab a sponge and erase everything. Move on. Start the transition. It shows progress, so it basically pushes you from behind. Even if it looks like certain things could be saved, you still have to move on.

When reversed, you need to take a deep breath and go back to battle. Look at each problem you’re facing at the moment and try to find a solution for it. Confront people and situations. Taking one issue at a time will help you move on in the long run.

Bottom line, the Six of Swords serves as a gentle reminder that navigating through life’s transitions, whether voluntary or imposed, is part of a continuous cycle of growth and evolution. These changes can help you see things in a new light, become stronger, and look towards the future with a fresh view.

Full list of swords cards: