The Nine of Swords displays a woman holding her head in her hands. It’s not the best image you want to see in a tarot reading. She doesn’t look happy, but fearful and upset. There are nine swords on her bed, as well as a picture showing someone’s defeat.
From many points of view, it’s the same woman depicted in the Eight of Swords. Are the two cards related? Interpretations also vary widely, so let’s see all the potential meanings of this card in a tarot reading.
Meaning of Upright Nine of Swords
The Nine of Swords in an upright position is about all the worries and drama in your life. In some interpretations, the card can also indicate a trauma, one that you might feel embarrassed about, despite the psychological issues associated with it.
If you think about it, most swords relate to some mental trauma in one way or another. The Nine of Swords makes no exception either. There are numerous questions plaguing your mind, so you end up overthinking everything.
There’s also a feeling of repetition with the Nine of Swords, meaning trouble from the past may return.
Upright Nine of Swords in Love & Relationships
The upright Nine of Swords in a love reading indicates fears and anxieties. You’re going through a situation that just won’t let you sleep. But on the other hand, most of these fears are caused by overthinking, so in reality, they’re not as horrible as in your head.
They could be caused by anything, from remorse and guilt to insecurity and trust issues.
Given the anxiety associated with these problems, you simply fail to face them head on.
If you’re not in a couple, the Nine of Swords refers to old relationships that bring in regret. You’ll have to work on these issues before moving on and finding love again.
Upright Nine of Swords in Career
The same issues plague your activities in work as well. It could be stress or maybe paranoia. Again, the good news is things aren’t as bad as you imagine. But no matter what you go through, work is difficult at the moment and may lead to burnout.
In some situations, finding a different job could help. If the stress is mainly based on anxiety, you’ll have to change your mindset and adopt a more positive attitude. Help from friends or career professionals could also lead you in the right direction.
Upright Nine of Swords in Money
Your finances are pressured by decisions from the past, causing a high level of stress. Your financial situation isn’t great, indeed. However, you have unfounded fears that something worse may happen. This kind of anxiety will make you exaggerate the issue, rather than look at it from an objective direction.
It’s normal to experience panic when your finances are doing bad, but your negative thinking will prevent you from solving such problems. It might be useful to ask someone for help, someone who’s aware of your situation or maybe even a professional. Those not involved tend to be more realistic.
Upright Nine of Swords in Health
In a health reading, the upright Nine of Swords shows mental disorders and issues, such as anxiety. These issues can lead to physical problems, too, such as migraines. Insomnia will inevitably kick in as well. You have to find healthy solutions for stress management, hence the necessity of a professional.
While some people try to cope with substance abuse, the idea will make your situation even worse.
The upright Nine of Swords may also indicate hormonal issues, as well as menopause.
If you’re trying to conceive, it’s not a good time. The fear of something going wrong will prevent you from doing so. At the same time, the card may also indicate miscarriage, so try to sort your health before conceiving.
If you ask about someone’s feelings, the upright Nine of Swords indicates anxiety. That person is in deep suffering right now, mainly because of their own mental exhaustion. Whether it’s a trust issue or an insecurity from the past, there are countless reasons to feel sad.
Intentions are good, as they’d do anything to overcome this bad moment in life. The problem is they have no clue what to do next, so that person might need some guidance.
If you want to know how someone sees you, you’re the one struggling. The card indicates that you’re seen as a source of anxiety. You have some inner drama which makes you suffer. Getting out of this cycle may seem impossible at the moment.
In terms of action, make sure you address your fears. Handle one issue at a time and your problems will become history in no time.
Meaning of Reversed Nine of Swords
From many points of view, the symbols behind the reversed Nine of Swords are similar to what the upright position tries to tell you. You’re currently terrorized by bad thoughts, emotions, stress and nightmares.
The issue is usually related to trauma from the past, which is slowly coming back into your life.
However, there’s a solid desire to leave this state. If there’s one thing you need to understand, that’s the fact that the nightmare won’t be over until you actually put in some work. You need serious planning to release yourself.
However, the card could be a warning too. It tells you that you can get out of this nightmare if you plan it right, but it’s also a warning that things could become even worse if you fail to do it right. Therefore, caution is also required.
Reversed Nine of Swords in Love & Relationships
The reversed Nine of Swords tells you that you’re ready to face the truth. Yes, you’ve been suffering in the past, but you’ve done it without telling your partner. It’s time to be perfectly honest now. Despite being difficult, it will clear your fears and anxiety.
You may learn that your partner is more supportive than you thought, but discussion could also lead to a conflict. In general, you’ll realize that your worries were mainly in your imagination.
On the other hand, if you don’t have a partner, you should work on yourself. Identify your issues and address them one by one until you’re ready to meet love again.
Reversed Nine of Swords in Career
There are two possible outcomes in your career if you see the reversed Nine of Swords. The disagreements and conflicts may slowly fade away or they could aggravate. Ideally, you should’ve assessed the situation to identify the roots of all problems. A few changes could take you the right way.
But if your negativity took over, the situation could collapse and become much more problematic. Burnout is part of the game as well. You may even find yourself unable to go work, only because of too much stress.
In order to understand the situation better, it helps to check other cards in the spread as well.
Reversed Nine of Swords in Money
The same issue affects your finances, too. You’re too stressed and covered with panic. You might be able to escape the drama and identify the issues, but your situation could also get worse. It normally depends on how good you are at finding solutions.
Again, other cards in the spread will indicate which direction you’re going.
The best thing to do is adopt a more realistic approach. Be more realistic about your money and control your expenses, which are as simple as that. If you feel like you can’t do it, professional help could be an excellent solution to put you back on track.
Reversed Nine of Swords in Health
It’s just as difficult to interpret the Nine of Swords in a health reading. Maybe you’ve found ways to overcome anxiety and depression. Maybe you can now cope with all the issues in your life. But maybe you didn’t. Such issues can also escalate and lead to extreme situations.
The supporting card in the spread can indicate the direction you’re facing.
If the issue is hormonal, balancing everything is a good outcome. If it aggravates, you’ll need professional help because it will never go away by itself.
For a pregnancy, it depends on how you feel. If the situation is improving, go for it. If it’s getting worse or stays the same, it’s not a good time to conceive, as you’ll have to sort your personal problems before anything else.
Curious about someone’s feelings? They’re ready to face the truth. They’re ready to pull themselves up and sort their issues in order to move on.
Intentions are positive because that person will try to break the cycle. It’s definitely an improvement from their previous state.
If you need to know how someone sees you, you’re about to shine. People see you as someone who’s about to get out of the shell and start growing.
In terms of actions, focus on finding ways to battle stress, anxiety, depression and other similar conditions that may affect you.
Numerological Meaning of Nine of Swords
Associated with the number 9, the Nine of Swords tells you that you’re close to the end of a cycle. It doesn’t look good at the moment, but things will get better. It’s a moment of transition, but attainment is not to be overlooked either.
You’re getting close to completing a chapter. There are a few things to sort out, though. You should’ve learned from all these experiences, while lessons from the past should guide you in the future.
From this point of view, the number 9 is about maturity through personal growth.
Astrological Meaning of Nine of Swords
There are more astrological associations with the Nine of Swords.
When associated with Mars, the card can indicate vulnerability and dark thoughts. And yes, if you look at your current state, you feel like you’re going through a dark period of your life.
On the other hand, it can also be associated with Mercury, which may have a similar interpretation. In this case, the Nine of Swords shows overthinking issues and anxiety. You lack mental clarity, and you must work to achieve it.
Zodiac Correspondence of the Nine of Swords
Given the association with air, swords revolve around signs like Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. They’re doers and can make things happen if they work hard enough.
In most interpretations, the Nine of Swords is associated with Gemini. In theory, the zodiac sign likes connecting and finding solutions and ideas. But in this particular case, Gemini resonates with negative themes like depression and anxiety.
Seeking emotional clarity is probably the main goal for this zodiac sign.
Yes or No Meaning for the Nine of Swords
In a yes or no reading, the upright Nine of Swords suggests a cautious no. In theory, it’s a no. But if you’re strong enough to acknowledge and work on your anxiety and depression, it could become a yes in the long run. Therefore, it’s mainly about working on your internal issues before anything else.
A cautious yes is associated with the Nine of Swords in a reversed position. Things could go either way. They could be better, but they could be worse. The right mindset can ensure you’re going the right way, but it takes some work.
Key Actions for the Nine of Swords
Whether upright or reversed, the Nine of Swords requires work from you. Address your fears and challenge your insecurities. They’re not permanent, but they require work. The necessity to address these issues is even more obvious if the card is upright.
Whether upright or reversed, the Nine of Swords demands work from within. If you struggle getting there, you can also seek help from a professional, whether you struggle in love, career, money or health.