Showing a heart surrounded by harsh elements and pierced by three swords, the Three of Swords doesn’t bring in too many positive interpretations. It’s pretty obvious that the heart is your warm place, your comfort zone.
But when surrounded by clouds and heavy rain and pierced, something’s obviously interfering, leading to great suffering and discomfort. The pain associated with the Three of Swords can be interpreted in different ways. Let’s find out what this card is trying to tell you when drawn in a tarot reading.
Meaning of Upright Three of Swords
The Three of Swords in the reversed position sends many different messages, but most of them float around disappointments. The card could be seen as rejection, but also as discouragement. It could be about getting hurt or maybe betrayed.
The problem is most people are caught off guard. At the end of the day, pain is a normal part of life. There’s a lesson to learn there. Besides, it makes you appreciate happiness even more later on. With these in mind, the Three of Swords tells us about the suffering that will help us grow stronger later in life.
Sometimes, we can prepare. Other times, there’s no choice whatsoever.
Upright Three of Swords in Love & Relationships
In love and relationship meaning, the upright Three of Swords sends a crystal clear message. Your heart will be pierced multiple times, showing heartbreak and pain. Sadness is naturally associated with the process. If you’re in a couple, there will be some form of separation, temporary or permanent.
Since the card shows three swords, it could also mean a third party interferes and causes chaos.
On the other hand, if you’re single, the card relates to more or less recent grief. You’ve suffered in the past, and you’re traumatized, meaning you still can’t get over it. Your wounds still need time to heal. At this point, there’s not much you can do but wait.
Upright Three of Swords in Career
Work has never been more stressful. It’s a frustrating environment you work in. The card could indicate more things though. Maybe you’ve just lost your job. Perhaps the company is about to collapse, leaving everyone jobless.
But in most situations, the upright Three of Swords relates to a conflict at work, usually with coworkers.
Keeping an open mind and communicating with people around you is likely to help. You could also consider getting away for a bit. Go on a holiday if you can. It will recharge your batteries and clear the frustration.
Upright Three of Swords in Money
A material loss is likely to trouble you at the moment, hence this card. It could be anything. One thing is for sure, though. It’ll cause a great amount of stress from a financial point of view. Even a breakup could cause it, as it may lead to financial issues.
For instance, you could struggle paying rent by yourself, or maybe you’re going through a divorce, which will clearly affect your finances.
It’s definitely an overwhelming situation, but it’s not the end of the world. You have to be gentle with yourself, but at the same time, plan every expense in the smallest details.
Support from your loved ones may also help.
Upright Three of Swords in Health
The upright Three of Swords isn’t a great sign of health, either. It can show a poor state of health, surgery, illnesses and disorders. It’s not necessarily about your health. It could also be about someone you love, such as a family member. These issues will lead to great sadness.
Medically, the card may also show a heart related problem.
At the same time, the heart on the card indicates trauma, depression and anxiety, too. Emotional issues are likely to cause physical discomfort as well. Your health requires special attention at this time, so don’t overlook it.
When it comes to a pregnancy, the Three of Swords isn’t a good sign. It shows difficulties in conceiving. If there already is a pregnancy, it could indicate a major problem, such as miscarriage.
If you ask about someone’s feelings, the upright Three of Swords indicates sadness. That person is heartbroken and grieves, meaning they go through a difficult time.
Intentions relate to distance. That person doesn’t want to be close to you at the moment and will try to keep their distance.
Trying to understand how they see you? You’re usually the reason for their sadness. However, others will also contribute, so you’re not the only one responsible.
For actions, make sure you get ready. That’s the best thing to do. You can’t avoid the drama, but at least get mentally and physically ready for it.
Meaning of Reversed Three of Swords
The reversed Three of Swords shows a recent loss. Again, it could be anything. You’re probably still recovering. Your emotions are still running high. At the moment, it’s nearly impossible to move on. You need more time, especially since it’s so fresh in your mind.
The problem is most people who get this card don’t realize what they go through. They suffer for way too long, unable to realize they have to recover. Sure, you need time, but it’s also about your inner strength to overcome this obstacle.
With these in mind, the Three of Swords reversed tries to tell you that it’s not the end of the world.
Reversed Three of Swords in Love & Relationships
If you’re getting the reversed Three of Swords in a love reading, it could actually indicate something good. If you’re in a relationship, you might’ve been through some struggle, but you two are ready to move on and forgive each other. There is plenty of desire, so old wounds mean nothing.
The card is also a good indicator if you’re single. Whether you’ve been through a breakup or you’ve had another reason to suffer, you’re about to get over it.
There’s a catch here. Sometimes, although it may look like you’re healing, you’re actually repressing feelings. In the long run, this could affect you negatively, so pay attention.
Reversed Three of Swords in Career
In a career reading, you’re about to get over all the drama at work, regardless of what caused it in the first place. Things are getting better. Conflicts are slowly getting solved, so your feelings about your colleagues and workplace are improving.
Everyone involved in the conflict is now trying to overcome mistakes from the past. You’re all meant to work together for a common goal and that’s what happens now.
It’s not always a positive outcome, though. While it looks like the environment is healing, some of your colleagues may still hold grudges.
Reversed Three of Swords in Money
Financial setbacks? Issues with money? They’re about to become history now. Improvement is on its way, so you’ll be on top of your finances again, whether you’re rebuilding your savings or looking for a more financially stable job.
As you may have noticed already, the reversed Three of Swords has both good and bad sides.
From a negative point of view, it could tell you that the financial issues associated with emotional problems are getting worse. Your spending habits are getting out of control, so adjusting your lifestyle becomes a real challenge.
Reversed Three of Swords in Health
Returning to good health is the main interpretation of the reversed Three of Swords in a health context. You’ve been ill lately, whether emotionally or physically. As you see things getting better, you’ll also feel more optimistic about your life.
Alternatively, the card shows you that, at the moment, anxiety is your biggest enemy. Regardless of the reason, anxiety will eventually harm you physically as well. If you can’t cope, seek help from a professional.
For a pregnancy, the reversed Three of Swords is usually a good sign, but it could also indicate that problems are aggravating. However, if all analyses are on point, you should try conceiving if you want to.
Not sure about someone’s feelings? They’re ready to leave conflicts behind. Things are improving in your connection.
Their intentions are positive too. They’re seeing this relationship with an open mind, so they’re more receptive to it. Things are going in the right direction.
That person sees you as someone who can help them overcome trauma, whether that trauma affected your own relationship or a different one.
As for actions, forget about the past. Learn from it and move on. Focus on recovery instead and move on with your life.
Numerological Meaning of Three of Swords
Associated with the number 3, the Three of Swords relates to groups. It’s a card of collaboration, and despite its negative connotations in tarot readings, it’s actually a card of growth.
Having this card drawn means that there are numerous opportunities to unite a group. And with all the drama, things are clearly improving in the long run.
The number 3 is extremely powerful, meaning many cycles out there revolve around it. In traditional numerology, it invites you to communicate with others. It asks you to be creative and curious about what’s around.
Astrological Meaning of Three of Swords
Associated with the element of air, the Three of Swords has a few different interpretations in astrology, but it’s most commonly linked with Saturn.
The good news is Saturn relates to a series of professional features. It’s about commitment, discipline, responsibility and maturation. These elements teach you what to do when facing drama in your life, which is likely to appear at some point.
Saturn may also symbolize boundaries and limits. It’s the last planet people might be able to see with a naked eye, so it’s the point where your reality ends.
Zodiac Correspondence of the Three of Swords
Apart from the air association, the Three of Swords also relates to the second decan of the Libra. The zodiac sign is motivated by fairness and harmony. Given its passion for equality, it’s considered the zodiac sign of justice.
That’s why Libra looks like a balance, as that’s what it tries to promote.
The problem is there are many decisions to make. You’re always looking for the best one. You consider your intuition and instincts, but also your rational thoughts. Emotions are also considered in the process.
Yes or No Meaning for the Three of Swords
When asking a yes or no question, the upright position of the Three of Swords is a no. The card is trying to tell you that nothing works in your life at the moment. You’re facing some struggles, which are amplified by your grief and sadness.
It’s also a bad time to react or make decisions, mainly because emotions could interfere too much.
Things are more positive in a reversed position, as the Three of Swords refers to a solid yes. You’ve managed to overcome a massive obstacle. You’re now departing this dark moment in your life and allowing your heart to feel good again.
Grievances from the past are slowly moving away, so you’re progressing. No matter what you have in mind for your further growth, this is a good time to do it.
Key Actions for the Three of Swords
When you see the Three of Swords upright, get ready for the worst. The better prepared you are, the less drama and suffering you’ll have to deal with. While it could be a deep pain, it will also help you grow later on.
At the moment, there’s not much you can do, but get ready and try to think of a solution for every potential problem.
When reversed, the card means you need to forget about the past.
Start healing, even if it takes some effort. Change your perspective and advance with it, things will get better overtime.
In the end, Three of Swords reminds us that while suffering may be profound, it is not the final chapter—it is a stepping stone towards greater strength and understanding.