Seven of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Seven of Swords shows a man sneaking out of a camp. He holds five swords, but there are two other swords left behind. Based on the imagery in this card, it seems to be about betrayal or deception, not to mention the idea of leaving something behind.

Stealing those swords may look like a successful mission if you check the confidence on his face. It sounds like a confusing card, but it has quite a few interpretations. Here’s everything you need to know based on its position.

Meaning of Upright Seven of Swords

In an upright position, the Seven of Swords shows betrayal. If you see it drawn, it means you may struggle getting away with something. It’s not always about you, but it could also be about someone in your life.

Sure, everyone has moments when they need to be sneaky. Sometimes, it works. Other times, people get caught and must handle the consequences.

The idea to escape isn’t everything to think about. Is it worth sneaking out? Is it worth getting away? Is this the best option for you? Sometimes, facing a problem could provide a better outcome in the long run.

Upright Seven of Swords in Love & Relationships

In a love reading, the Seven of Swords could indicate some tricks and lies. If the card is about someone in your life, you need to be cautious and see the bigger image, especially if you’re in a new relationship. Someone’s likely to become very dishonest and even unfaithful.

It’s very important, to be honest at this point. Plus, feel free to trust your intuition, as you’re not going to be wrong.

On the other hand, if you’re not in a couple, you need to look after yourself. Are you afraid to open up? Are you suspicious of everyone around you? Are you exaggerating, maybe? Perhaps all these things could prevent you from finding the love of your life.

Upright Seven of Swords in Career

There are definitely some sketchy people around you in work if you see this card in a career reading. Their lies may seem irrelevant right now, but if you’re not cautious, they may catch you off guard.

Sometimes, people around you could try to sabotage your project. Other times, you might be the victim of badmouthing or gossip. Some people may also try to take credit for what you do.

Try to be very careful with who you trust. Most commonly, these issues come from the people you trust the most. That’s why there are certain things you should keep to yourself only.

In other interpretations, the card may tell you that you need some sort of strategy in order to reach your objectives, especially if odds are against you.

Upright Seven of Swords in Money

The upright Seven of Swords tells you that you’re not doing very well financially. You’re the problem here and especially your innocence and naivety. You need to be extremely cautious because some sort of scam is likely to target you. Some people may do it on purpose in order to grab your resources.

Stay away from schemes and tricks that promise you the world. Avoid businesses that promise you’ll get rich. If you’re into gambling, stay away from this activity for a while. A poor behavior may also invite such situations over.

If something looks just slightly suspicious, avoid it altogether.

Upright Seven of Swords in Health

When it comes to your health, you suffer from something. You probably know it or you see some signs, but you can’t tell what’s wrong. You need some proper analyses to figure what’s going on or the problem will aggravate. It will never go away by itself.

In this case, it’s important to persist, even if your doctor says the symptoms are mild. Go see someone else for a second opinion instead. The card indicates poor treatment, so the root of your problems tends to escape medical detection.

The card is also a warning. If a specific activity could put you in danger, avoid it, or you may get injured.

If you’re trying to conceive, the Seven of Swords shows trickery. You may believe the pregnancy is there, but it’s not. Take another test. It’s not a good time to conceive anyway. If you’ve been trying to, you may want to take some professional fertility tests.

If you need to know more about someone’s feelings, that person is deceived by your actions. They are suspicious about you, so they’re less likely to trust you anyway.

It doesn’t mean their intentions are bad, but they’re just trying to look after themselves. That person questions your honesty and doesn’t want to be betrayed.

The same goes if you ask how someone sees you. You don’t look too authentic, so that person has no trust in you whatsoever. Chances are you’ve already disappointed them in the past.

When not sure what to do, just think about your strategy. You may have to sneak out or perhaps face an issue. Either way, it requires planning.

Meaning of Reversed Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords in a reversed position is one of the most confusing cards you can see.

For instance, it could indicate the necessity of a new approach in life, especially since current techniques clearly don’t work. It may also indicate an aggressive version of the sneaky behavior.

From a different point of view, it could be a renewal in terms of relationships. Maybe someone let you down or broke your trust. They’ve embraced their mistakes, so they’re probably trying to fix the relationship. It mainly depends on your circumstances.

Reversed Seven of Swords in Love & Relationships

In love and relationships, the reversed Seven of Swords could tell you that lies, deception, and associated problems are likely to become history. No matter how dishonest someone has been with you, the truth has emerged. You’re discovering more and more.

But at the same time, you may also be the one deceiving. If you find yourself in this situation, a confession will sort you out. Dishonesty is difficult to carry, and there’s always a risk.

If you’re single, maybe you should lower your expectations. You have too many pretensions, so stop with these games and embrace love as it is. You’ll notice things change into better straight away.

Reversed Seven of Swords in Career

Similarly, your career has been through a few problems lately. But then, the truth is revealing itself. All the unfaithful colleagues in your workplace are exposed. Guilt and shame force people to confess and seek reconciliation.

Whether it’s you or someone else in this position, confessing will eventually lead to forgiveness.

In a different interpretation, the card may also show that such a situation can escalate, especially if those at fault aren’t caught. Sometimes, the card may just tell you that no matter what strategies you use at work, they fail. Therefore, you’ll have to handle everything differently.

Reversed Seven of Swords in Money

Your financial life could’ve been better too. Whether it comes to your bills, dealings, investments or just daily expenses, your lack of honesty will mainly reflect on yourself. It’s time to get everything sorted, as your problems will aggravate otherwise.

For example, you could pay those overdue bills or maybe cover your taxes while you can afford it.

In a different interpretation, the card may show that you’ve been a victim of a scam. You’re slowly unveiling the truth.

All in all, whether it’s about yourself or someone else, the reversed Seven of Swords is a warning for those who aren’t honorable enough.

Reversed Seven of Swords in Health

When it comes to your health, you have a problem and you keep ignoring it. Obviously, that won’t sort it. It won’t go away. Instead, it will aggravate. You’ve been ignoring the signs and symptoms of an illness for too long now, so it’s time to face it.

Think about it: this isn’t about someone else but about yourself. You’re the only one losing in the long run, especially since this illness will get worse. Be mindful of what the body is trying to tell you, and seek professional help for your medical problems.

Fertility issues are also present and won’t go away until you work on them. Conceiving at the moment is a bad idea, so leave it for when you feel better. Sort your problems first.

If you ask about someone’s feelings, you should know they’ll be honest with you. They’ve been dishonest in the past, but they’re ready to reconcile.

That person has good intentions only. They want to tell you the truth, so they’ll open up to you, hoping you’ll find a way to forgive them.

People see you as someone they can be brutally honest with. They know it’s the best way to get things on track, especially when it comes to preventing further disappointment.

In terms of actions, you need to stop deceiving and expose the truth. It will benefit you in the long run.

Numerological Meaning of Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords is associated with the number 7. Seeing this card may show you’re waiting for something different. If you’ve been deceived or disappointed, it means you’re waiting for the truth to come out.

The number indicates more things, such as things you hope to see, as well as a few surprises. Most people wait for whatever they imagine, yet the result might be surprising. That’s why discovering the truth in a situation could be shocking.

Astrological Meaning of Seven of Swords

There are more astrological interpretations for the Seven of Swords.

In a common interpretation, the card is linked to the moon and refers to deception, emotions and feelings. It’s also about the power of the subconscious mind.

In other interpretations, the Seven of Swords could be associated with Uranus. In this particular case, Uranus is seen as the rebel among the planets. This means people seeing the card have an unusual way to see things.

This aspect encourages the theme of cunning and deception.

Zodiac Correspondence of the Seven of Swords

Zodiac correspondences are just as varied if you’re curious about the zodiac sign interpretation for the Seven of Swords.

Despite having a few different interpretations, most of them revolve around Aquarius. The sign boosts innovation, but it also underlines an impressive intellectual capacity. However, individuality is what makes it stand out negatively.

Yes or No Meaning for the Seven of Swords

Seeing the Seven of Swords in an upright position is more of a no than a yes. In other words, it’s a no, but it asks for caution.

The card tells you that you don’t have all the information, so your plan is dramatically affected. Given the associations with trickery, the card recommends being cautious. At the same time, further research will be deeply required to help you make better decisions in the future.

Similarly, the Seven of Swords reversed is a yes, but it also requires a high degree of caution.

At this point, the card tells you that deception is getting confronted. Slowly, slowly, transparency will become part of your life. But at the same time, you must ensure that every underlying issue has been well analyzed.

The reversed indicates a move towards honesty and a positive result, but you still have to be vigilant.

Key Actions for the Seven of Swords

Seeing the Seven of Swords upright means you need to pay more attention to your strategy. Use your resources to find the best outcome for a situation. Doing things the classic way might be the best idea, despite all the innovative solutions crossing your mind.

Reversed? Forget about lies and be completely honest. Even if it looks like it doesn’t suit you, it will actually benefit you later on. Rectify mistakes from the past and take responsibility for what you’ve done.

Full list of swords cards: