Which Tarot Spread to Use on a Daily Basis

Tarot reading has been a huge part of people’s lives and the right way to seek for answers and clear the doubts that goes on in your mind. Tarot has also been making an impact on people wanting to learn about their past, present, and future.

There are multiple techniques on how the tarot reading is performed based on your donuts and answers. Amongst them, daily tarot spread is one of the unique techniques that has been in action for a very long time.

By the end of this article, you’ll find out everything you need to know about daily tarot spreads.

What Actually Is A Daily Tarot Spread?

 Daily tarot spread is simply a way to do a quick and easy reading with the use of tarot cards. Where you can gain insights about your day. Through this spread of cards, you get guidance before you start your day and what you should do throughout the day.

If you are somebody who is seeking guidance for your daily life, Tarot Spread is going to be the perfect reading for you.

How Does It Work?

There are different ways to practice this reading but one of the most effective ways is the Three-card spread. Where it focuses on three major phases of your everyday life.

  1. Past, present and future
  2. The current situation, obstacles, and the outcome
  3. Mind, body, and spirit

The first spread explains the phases in life you have gone through which might currently be having an impact on your current stage of life.

It also shows insight about the stage where you are experiencing currently in your life. It might be talking about the challenges or opportunities that you are facing right now. The future represents the potential outcome or the possible consequences that might arise from the current decisions you make.

The second spread indicates the present situation you are in along with the obstacles you are facing right now or might occur in the future and the possible outcome of the obstacles you faced.

The third spread deals with your inner self and the peace of mind that is influencing your current state of mind. Your physical realm which includes your health and actions you make which might also have an impact on your daily life.

When you practice this daily tarot spread, sometimes your feelings might be all around the room making you confused and hard for you to choose where you stand. This spread is usually used when you are confused and not sure about your feelings.

Remember to keep yourself calm and focused because it might get you confused if you approach this reading when you are not in the right mood. Keep yourself together and stay calm, the answers you need to know will show up eventually.

Uses Of Daily Tarot Spreads

You’ll start getting confident and staying positive about yourself and the cards once you start getting used to spreading the cards every day. It will help you set a positive tone about how your day is going to start and will guide you in self-growth every day.

Listed below are some of the positive impacts you gain when you use daily tarot spread.

  1. It helps you gain a connection with the energy that surrounds you every day.
  2. It gives you guidance and courage to focus on some of the important aspects you need to focus on when you start your day.
  3. It helps you stay focused on the challenges that are coming your way and gives you guidance on what you need to do to overcome them. It also reflects on the opportunities that you might encounter throughout the day.
  4. With tarot cards by your side, you have the power to seek guidance and answers to specific questions or the particular situation you are facing at the moment.
  5. Daily tarot reading will help you maintain your personal growth and all the positive thoughts when you are just about to start your day.
  6. It enhances your sense of creativity in something you do and does not stop you from getting inspired to do something differently every day.

Some Advice For Daily Tarot Practice

If you’re someone who is new to this field and is ready to experience the art of learning daily tarot spread, the first thing you should do is set up a positive tone and keep yourself mentally and physically prepared. Keep an open mind and keep yourself away from getting distracted.

Following is a list of key points for you to remember before you start practicing your daily tarot spread.

  1. Do not rush yourself, take small steps and keep the spreads simple. That way you’ll build up an idea and start being confident about yourself.
  2. Make it an everyday routine and practice daily. Set a time every day to start your readings alone.
  3. Learn to reflect on yourself with the symbol and the connection that the cards provide you every time you start reading.
  4. Maintain a journal where you can note down the insights you get from your everyday readings in order to keep yourself updated.
  5. Take your time and start building up trust in your intuition because this is going to help you build up your inner trust and make you more confident when you practice your daily spread.
  6. Try to prevent yourself from sharing your readings and keep it personal. Since sharing it with someone else might bring confusion within yourself and make you frustrated.

Tarot reading has been one of the keys to all the answers for so many people around the world. When you are someone who is looking for answers and guidance to go ahead with life, tarot reading has always been the guidance towards it.

Daily tarot spread has also been making a huge impact where people are able to gain insights about their past, present, and future. Where they get the guidance to start their daily lives. By connecting with the cards, you get insights on how you need to deal with the situation or the opportunities that might be coming your way. So, remember it all comes to you, depending on how you deal with the cards.