Should I Read Tarot Every Day?

Whether you’re a seeker or a reader, reading too frequently may not be the best idea. It can overload your brain or you may end up with an irritable spirit guide. While it’s understandable how addicting tarot can be, excessive reading should be avoided.

There are no specific rules regarding how often you should read tarot. It’s up to the individual to read whenever they want. But as the famous saying goes, ‘excess of everything is not good’. It should be applied here as well. Overdoing it may lead to over-dependent on these cards and hinder your own thoughts and rational decision-making.

So, how often should you read tarot? What are the signs of overdoing it? Let’s explore below!

How Often Should You Read Tarot?

Getting into tarot can be pretty overwhelming initially. The urge to do reading every minute because of how accurate these readings are will seeps  you in. Understandable, how some can get carried away by it.

However, halt it the moment you’re doing it repeatedly asking the same questions. By shooting the same questions repetitively, the answers become weak gradually. Eventually, your spirit guide and the deck will tune out if you keep asking the same questions.

It’s important to note that tarot isn’t for micromanaging your life. Instead, its purpose is to provide guidance and help in making complicated decision-making. We are conscious beings with the ability to distinguish what is right and wrong.

Agreed some of the life decisions are not simple, and at that point, tarot reading will help you find answers or clear your doubts. It gives you strength and motivation to move on. However, asking repetitive questions will direct your spirit guide. In addition, you become more dependent or reliant on these cards.

General Guideline For Tarot Readings

Overall, a tarot reading once or twice a month sets a good tone. It allows deep and meaningful reading enabling you to marinate the answers. Allow the messages to soak and time will gradually unfold in its course.

If you’re new, pull one card per day and focus on it. Or, pull one in the morning and another at night to sleep on it for deeper healing. Take it slowly to learn and introspect. That’s the way to proper spiritual guidance and personal growth.

When you try to decipher deep messages forcefully, you may not get an accurate answer. Once you get your readings, take time to understand. Don’t instantly come to conclusions but analyze them. Besides our conscious ability, we’re also blessed with intuitions that will allow us to have good judgment

What Are The Signs Reading Tarot Cards Frequently?

Some get so invested in reading tarot that it gets hard to identify if they are overdoing it. Whether you’re a reader or seeker, you need to understand its limits. Are you getting too dependent on tarot cards? Check the signs below.

If you’re a tarot reader

  • You dare to make decisions that are against the realm of reading guidance.
  • Purchasing too many new tarot cards that is beyond your budget.
  • Asking the similar questions repeatedly.
  • Pulling extra cards which is not necessarily needed to get your desired answers.
  • Feeling uneasy when you’re unable to the tarot for affirmations.

If you’re a seeker

  • Feeling angry or frustrated for not getting the answer you want.
  • Buying excess readings within your budget.
  • You get worried when the reader takes time to read your cards.
  • Getting irritated or anxious for not getting your follow-up readings on short notice.
  • Researching about cards meaning even after the reader explains it to you.

How Do I Stop Myself From Reading Tarot Frequently?

Getting addicted to tarot readings is a common occurrence both for readers and seekers. It mainly happens because of the inability to handle pressure and thus relying on tarot to get an answer.

How do you stop co-dependency on tarot cards? First, you need to identify the problem. Understanding or recognizing the cause allows you to take the right measures.

For instance, you’re a seeker buying too many readings which is affecting your budget. What do you do? The rational way is to stop it immediately. However, it’s easier said than done. It’s challenging but you have to find other ways such as seeking professional help or sharing your struggles with your close ones.

The same applies to tarot readers. Gain control over your life by committing to fewer readings but going in depth with the ones you do. Journaling is also a good way to stop yourself from over-reading tarot.

Another way to stop reading tarot often is by not doing daily card pulls. It may highly lead to over-reliance on the cards for every decision making. Instead, be your own judge and decide it for yourself. If you pull a card for every situation, you may unconsciously get fully dependent on it.

You can also read once per week. Keep a reminder of the tarot cards that you pulled throughout the week. One lesson per week will give you enough time to soak the messages and mix them in your daily life.

Most importantly, if your reading gives you anxiety or any negative thoughts, that’s the cue for you to cut back. It should guide you instead of worrying you. Whether you’re a seeker or a reader, it’s crucial to know one’s limit and identify the problem sooner before it controls you.

No one can stop you from reading tarot every day, but you need to ask yourself if it’s the right approach. If you feel you’re overdoing it, try to put an end to it. Overdoing it will only dilute the cards and their messages. It’s important to understand the limitations. Reading tarot cards once or twice a month is a healthier practice for proper growth and guidance. Remember, tarot is like your friend that gives advice or guidance. How or what you need to tackle a specific situation depends on you handle it.