Learning about the mysteries of the past, present and future is what makes tarot reading fascinating to many people. People practicing tarot reading know the potential of diving into the debt of mysteries. Some people think it breaks the law of science or disregards the art as a hoax.
Lastly, there is the group of people who have tried reading the tarot out of pure curiosity but leading to no desirable answers. If you are ‘that person’ who is confused about what went wrong, then you might find a hint regarding your answers here.
Many beginners tend to face confusion despite knowing the meaning and symbols of all 78 cards. While it is true that tarot reading provides answers through the interpretation of the cards, the cards alone are just tools without the practitioner who acts as a medium for the reading. Along with the medium, proper channeling is also very important because the art of tarot reading demands the reader to concentrate on one’s subconsciousness and intuition.
The art of channeling as a tarot card reader
When we talk about channeling it might sound intimidating and something hard to obtain but in truth, it can be done by anyone with the correct steps and procedure. The answer lies in our state of mind and how well we are connected to our spiritual selves. Here are some tips to improve channeling techniques.
- Clear your mind
Get into the practice of silencing your mind because that allows your spiritual energy to come through.
A good way to do this is by meditation. After you wake up in the morning, spare a few minutes of your time to sit in a calm space and a relaxed position to declutter your mind of all the things happening in your life.
You will not see a massive revelation every time you meditate because that’s not how it works. As time goes by and you become more comfortable with the art, you will get a little more grasp of it.
- Set a goal
Before starting your readings, set a clear intention and note down your questions for the cards. Ask your spiritual guide to reveal what you need to know from this reading. Establishing your intention will help you stay focused on your primary objective.
- Connect with your tarot cards.
In tarot reading your main tool is your cards. Feel the cards, and try to create a form of connection with them.
Hearing it in a sentence to connect with an innate object can sound unnecessary and quite silly. But it is important to channel your energy through the cards which will act as a conduit for your answers.
All you need to do is pick up your cards, then take some time to look at the symbols and imagery on them and let your imagination wander.
Pay attention to any emotions or thoughts that arise as you look at these images because they might be a sign from your psyche to unveil your answers.
- Create your own space.
Create a sacred space for your tarot readings. This can be in both physical and mental form.
Allocate a designated room or space in your house for the sole purpose of reading the cards. This will create a familiar relaxed environment to be more focused every time. Also, before you start your reading, cleanse the space by placing some herds, burning incense and lighting some candles.
After cleansing your physical space, create a sacred space in your mind as well. This can be done through relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to calm your mind and ground your energy. This is important because being in a relaxed state will help you to tap into your intuitive senses.
- Open-ended questions
Ask open-ended questions because asking questions with a yes or no answer does not allow the cards to work at their best.
And honestly, it just sounds too easy of an answer to believe. The one thing about the answering mechanism of tarot reading is that the cards will mostly give answers in the form of riddles which we will have to decipher using our intuitions and psyche.
- Maintain a record
Keep a tarot journal to record your intuitive insights, thoughts, and emotions during your readings. Remember to allow your mind to wander as you interpret the cards. Don’t limit yourself or censor any words, images and ideas that come to your mind.
Just let those thoughts flow freely as you channel those messages. And this is also really important because, over time it can help you track your progress and deepen your connection to your intuition.
- Practice makes perfect
The art of channeling is not something one can master after a few tries. This skill demands consistent practice and dedication to tap into your intuition and psyche. But as you consistently work on it, you will proficiently become more aware of what you are doing.
Mediumship in tarot reading
Like any other cartomancy divination, the medium refers to the person practicing the art. Mediumship in tarot reading is very important because it is the spiritual energy of the medium that assists in looking into the phenomenon of the past, present and future through the assistance of spirit guides.
A medium should be knowledgeable and aware of the different kinds of cards and their possible meanings in order not to miss any possible scenario while reading for divination.
Keeping your mind open to the various possibilities when searching for an answer is vital to becoming an effective medium. By not limiting yourself to the different viable outcomes of a query, you will be able to comprehend the cards more efficiently without missing any small details.
Many tarot practitioners perform their art by tapping into their intuitive instincts but it does not mean that intuition alone can be the source of answers. By invoking your spiritual powers, a reader can summon spirits known as spirit guides to help them in their tasks.
Mediums receive their answers through different senses of their body and it differs from person to person. According to how the tarot reader receives his/her answer, the mediums are divided into four groups:
- Clairaudience – A clairaudient receives answers in the form of speech echoing in their mind.
- Clairvoyance – The mediums that fall under this category are able to see imageries as a form of their answers.
- Claircognizant – Also known as clear knowing, claircognizants tend to have a strong intuitive sense which makes them seem like they already have an answer even before a question is raised.
- Clairsentient – These mediums are the sensors. Their answers get conveyed to them through feeling and emotions.
Boundaries of being a medium
A tarot reading can be helpful in many ways as we can obtain information about something we could have never known. But there are boundaries that a medium has to follow while dealing with spirits.
Before starting the reading set your intentions clear that you are here for answers alone and nothing more. This is important because it is the medium who is summoning the spirit into this world.
Taking extra protective steps such as chanting a prayer for protection and burning sage can also prevent in summoning of malicious entities.
When reading for a client or someone else, you should be emotionally strong enough to resist what the other person is feeling. Every case will not be the same, while someone may have a bright future or a beautiful past, there are people out there who have suffered in their past or their future is filled with challenges. When reading for clients like this, it is important to be emotionally stable enough for those emotions not to overflow into you.
For many, connecting with a spirit can be a wonderful experience but it is worth bearing in mind not to divert your question from what you originally intended. Lastly, remember that not everything the spirits show will be accurate. A lot of times they will speak or show your answer in riddles which you will have to decipher on your own.