How to Read Tarot for Beginners

If you are just getting into the tarot game now and happen to be a completely new player in it, then it’s understandable that you might feel a little scared or even apprehensive about this whole deal. But tarot reading shouldn’t be seen in a negative light even though it might seem bleak if you just take the cards at face value.

The important thing to remember is that these cards are only one way of reflecting what one is going through and how that affects who you are as a person. On their own, the cards don’t hold anything over you and mean no harm so there’s nothing to fear except just to believe in yourself and have a positive outlook.

Find Your Deck

There are hundreds decks out there but you have to select the one that speaks to you the most. The Rider-Waite-Smith deck is thought of as being the standard deck and is usually recommended for people who are just starting out, but that doesn’t mean that you need to get only this deck. Instead, start perusing through the available options, and really pick the one that speaks to you.

Get To Know The Cards

Now that you have a deck that suits you, you need to get familiar with the cards. Getting familiar with the cards also means you have to know the illustrations in those cards and the symbols in it. You can do this through the guidebook that comes along with most of the tarot decks. If you do not possess one yet, you can always find additional resources online or elsewhere to start studying the meaning of the cards.

Learn A Few Spreads

Tarot reading doesn’t mean you can just randomly pick out cards from the deck and do a reading. There are different kinds of spreads that can be used for different readings and it can be a daunting task having to learn them all.

But as a beginner, you can learn the simple card spreads which are easy to remember and also useable in multiple situations. Keep at least 3 different card spreads handy so that you always have a choice on what kind of spread might suit the current scenario with your client.

Common card spreads for beginners include the 3 Card Spread, The Celtic Cross, or The Wheel of Life Spread (Four-Card Spread). You can even do Single Card Pulls which is the simplest of them all.

Know Your Intention

Once you understand that the cards mean no harm to you and there’s no reason for you to be scared of reading, you can ask yourself the first real question- WHAT DO I WANT?

You should be clear and sure about the questions you want to ask. It’s best to always ask yourself open-ended questions so that you leave more room for interpretations and insights.

Shuffling And Drawing Or Pulling Cards

Concentrate on the question at hand when you shuffle your deck and focus on it as you start to draw the cards from the deck. This is the stage where you really have to trust your intuition and let your energy flow through the cards.

Interpreting The Meaning Of The Cards

Look at the cards that have been drawn and interpret the meaning. While it is important to know the basic meaning from the guidebook, you should also trust your intuition and draw meaning accordingly.

Apart from interpreting the cards as single entities, look at the spread as well and consider how each card connects to the others on the spread. You have to remember to pay attention to your gut feeling and whatever sensations you may feel as you do the reading.

Practice Everyday

Even if you’re just starting out, always practice reading on yourself or your friends and family. You can even note down the interpretations you come up with and look back on them as you reflect on how your insight and intuition speak to you.

Have An Open Mind

As a tarot reader, you need to have an open mind since everything involved in tarot reading is open to interpretation. There is never an objective answer to any situation or question. It is the subjective nature of tarot reading that makes it so interesting and flexible at the same time.

A Calm Environment

You cannot expect to have a successful tarot reading session in a place that is noisy or cramped. You need to have a space that is calming and makes you feel relaxed.

The idea is to clear your mind from all kinds of distractions and just be present with the deck, the spread, and your client. A peaceful environment will ensure clarity of mind, which in turn helps you tune into your intuition.

Don’t Panic

The environment in which you do your reading is important to help you feel at ease but at the same time, you shouldn’t try and relax your body to feel the calmness that the space is trying to evoke in you. Sometimes, you might deal with a card that seemingly seems like a misfortune or a negative thing but that’s never the case.

Nothing is taken at face value. Everything has a deeper meaning and connection to your life wish can ultimately result in a lightbulb kind of moment rather than leaving you anxious or scared.

Tarot readings are not meant to predict your future and tell you of your misfortunes. It also does not cause any ill will against you. It’s just a symbolization of different aspects of your life that is open to be interpreted however you see fit.

For example, if you see the death card in your spread, don’t worry. It does not mean that there is an actual physical death imminent in your life. Rather, it usually means the death of something that might be weighing you down so it’s more of a transformational interpretation rather than physical death. Think of it as marking the beginning of a new chapter and leaving behind the old.

Likewise, there are many other cards in a tarot deck that might seem to you on the surface level as something that is negative or even scary. This is why you have to have a positive outlook and a stable emotional state when you go into a tarot reading.