How Tarot Flashcards Can Ease the Learning Process

Starting with tarot can be a difficult task. In theory, it feels like any other thing you have to study for. You learn a bit, you take an exam and you’re ready to practice. But once you get into it, you realize there’s much more to that. Let’s find out how tarot flashcards can make your life easier.

How Tarot Reading Starts

Tarot reading may not seem the most difficult task in the world. While there are more decks out there, the truth is the traditional deck has 78 cards. Learning their meanings could be a bit confusing. That’s why many newbies simply practice while they learn.

This means you can perform readings for yourself or perhaps some friends, but with the actual guide nearby. You draw some cards and you check their meanings. It’s much easier than learning all 78 cards and trying to remember everything.

Besides, the same card may have different meanings. It could be in an upright position, but it could also be reversed. The truth is some readers ignore reversed positions, so it’s entirely up to you. Other than that, a card could have different meanings in love, relationships, career, work, health and so on.

Then, since each client or person will have a different situation, the actual interpretation must be based on their circumstances. This is when things get complicated and this is when you need to practice. Your intuition is critical in the actual interpretation. With time, you’ll get it, but you do need to practice a lot.

It’s definitely an interesting way to read tarot, but things could get even easier with tarot flashcards.

The Interactive Way to Learn Tarot

Tarot flashcards represent an easy and convenient way to read tarot. Sure, you should still have a guide and go through the meanings a few times, only to get an idea about cards. But then, it’s not mandatory because flashcards do it for you as you practice.

From many points of view, tarot flashcards represent an excellent idea to accelerate the learning process. You’ll be fluent in cards before you realize it.

Professional tarot flashcards are based on a technique known as spaced repetition. While you can find different flashcards to use in real life too, the truth is the process is more common online, simply because of its convenience.

It’s not a classic way to learn tarot because back in the day people didn’t have access to the Internet and technology. Simply put, you’re shown a card and a few different meanings for it, usually three or four.

Whether you pick the right or wrong answer, the card may show up again after a few other cards. With time, this constant repetition will help you memorize its meaning without even trying too hard. Also, a card is more likely to repeat if you don’t get the right answer.

With time, the repeating interval will obviously increase. So even if it looks like you won’t see it again, it doesn’t mean you’ll forget it because chances are it will pop up out of nowhere when you least expect it.

This form of repetitive reinforcement idea will speed up the learning process. It’s one thing to do it in an interactive manner with tarot flashcards and a different thing to do it with a book in front of you.

How to Win at Tarot Flashcards

Tarot flashcards can certainly help you read tarot, but at the same time, there are a few tips and tricks to help you gain even more from this learning technique.

Pay Extra Attention to the Answers

Most tarot flashcards come with a few answers, so you have to pick the right one. There are three or four choices. They’re not very detailed, so it’s not like you’ll have to spend half an hour in front of each card. Instead, you’ll have some quick summaries, maybe some single meanings and so on.

When relying on tarot flashcards to learn, you need to stick to the initial meanings. That’s the secret. The keywords! Sure, each card has an in-depth meaning as well, but knowing the quick summary is extremely important when doing a reading. With time, you’ll be able to dig deeper, but at first, this is critical.

Cards and Real Life Situations

Again, most tarot readers end up reading for themselves while they familiarize themselves with tarot cards and their meanings. Each card in the deck applies to some sort of a real life situation. Think about such a situation when you see the card and you’ll hone your intuition and instincts in no time.

When you read cards in the future, you’ll have to adapt them to real life situations anyway, so it’s an excellent form of training.

Meanings and Imagery

If you struggle remembering some meanings or cards, you can always pay attention to the imagery as well. Sure, most cards show some elements that represent their meanings, but then, some cards could also be similar.

To make it easy, simply focus on small and unique elements in the imagery and you’ll find it much easier.

Keep Digging

While tarot flashcards can and will make your life easier, the truth is tarot is much more than that. Once you become familiar with the summaries and keywords, you’ll need to dig deeper. A card can be extremely complex and may underline all sorts of situations in the long run.

Understanding such meanings will also help you understand the symbols that occur in the deck or the imagery.

And then, tarot flashcards won’t be able to hone your intuition. That’s something you need to work on yourself. And intuition gets better with time, based on your experience. The secret here is to practice over and over again.

Bottom line, tarot flashcards can and will ease the learning process. They’re interactive and can ease the procedure. Sure, they’re not as deep as reading an actual book, but at the same time, they make a great introduction to the art of reading.