30 Key Questions to Ask Tarot Cards

Tarot cards have been popular for some time now, and rightly so—you can find almost any answer with them! Due to their limitless and judgement-free nature, tarot readings can help address and understand any personal issue. Whether it’s a topic about love, lust, life, or self, you can introduce tarot cards to your life to help yourself make changes and figure out something in your life!

A common question is how to approach a tarot reader. Fortunately, you’re in luck because this article is here to help you collect important questions to ask the tarot cards in your first reading! But first, let’s understand the world of tarot and everything about it.

Why is asking good questions important?

You can gain insightful answers that can help peer into your life from another point of view, so you don’t want to waste a session by asking the wrong questions. Keeping in mind a set of good questions is an important step towards self-reflection or understanding your current situation.

An example of a bad question would be one that can be answered simply with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Questions like these will not provide you the right results or guidance, so you must ask open-ended and precise questions about anything requiring thoughtful answers. Ponder on what exactly you need the most counsel on, and head to your tarot reader to ask the questions for enlightenment.

When conjuring questions, what important aspects should be considered?

There are various aspects of life that you may want advice on, but it is up to you to decide which one should be paid attention to the most. Here are a few examples of where to focus on, along with questions you can ask:

Questions on Love

Love is an important part of life that deserves clear intention & meaning. If you think love is a crucial component to focus on, you can set an explicit goal and opt for subjective questions.

Here are 10 tarot questions on love that you can ask during a reading:

  1. When in love, what is my strongest suit?
  2. What truths is the universe telling me about my capacity to love?
  3. How should I pay more attention to my romantic life?
  4. Which toxic trait do I possess and need to resolve?
  5. What are the best ways I can support my partner?
  6. When should I initiate the first step towards a successful relationship?
  7. How do I work out the ongoing conflict in my relationship? 
  8. What do I change about myself to stop being single?
  9. Which aspect is currently draining my relationship away?
  10. How can I serve my relationship to make sure it withstands barriers?

Questions on Life

You can achieve clarity on your life choices as well as a deeper comprehension of growth or self by asking tarot questions about life. You can reflect inward and discover the profound purpose of life as well as what it brings through life-related questions.

Here are 10 tarot questions on life that you can ask during a reading:

  1. Which path must I take for a fulfilling life?
  2. How is the universe sending me obstacles to improve my tenacity in life?
  3. In 5 years, what aspect of life will I want to spend more time on?
  4. In what manner is my past gravely affecting my present self?
  5. What are a few life experiences that I need to highlight?
  6. Where do I begin when trying to connect better with the people in my life?
  7. What move should I make to work through my current life situation?
  8. Which life aspect is overcrowding my judgement?
  9. How can I learn to be more grateful for my existence?
  10. What strengths do I possess that I can employ in my ongoing life conflict?

Questions on Career & Money

Our sole desire in life is to be independent and being aware that independence pairs well with financial stability is important. Before you ask any tarot questions, calm your mind, embrace your thoughts, and reflect on the financial track you currently want to explore.

These are 10 tarot questions on career and money that you can ask:

  1. Which important skill do I possess but do not employ effectively?
  2. In the professional scene, how am I selling myself short?
  3. What are the ways I can evolve my current financial situation?
  4. Which business venture should I pay more attention to?
  5. What aspect of my career do I need to improve?
  6. How is my career draining my positive energy?
  7. In five years, which career tool will I need improvement in?
  8. What is my strong suit when it comes to my work?
  9. Where can I enhance my work relationships for a better future?
  10. Which weakness of mine causes work conflicts?

Tarot reading is a fun and powerful practice that can help you give way to curiosity and learn more about your subconscious thoughts. With each card pulling, you can examine the answers to questions you’ve been holding back. It is through tarot, that growth is encouraged and change is implemented.

Now that you know whether you should focus on love, life, career, or money, you can tap into the different questions that connect to you most. Ultimately, the chosen questions to ask tarot cards will cure your curiosity and find a place of guidance. Always be accepting, so that you can be prepared for any answer you receive.