Differences between clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance

Whether you’re looking for a psychic reader or you’re trying to experiment with this practice yourself, there are all kinds of specializations out there, mainly based on people’s innate skills and preferences.

Some of them could be confusing, though. Do you need a clairvoyant? Maybe someone specialized in clairaudience? These being said, let’s explore the differences between clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance and what they actually mean.

What Is a Clairvoyant?

A clairvoyant has an innate ability to perceive particular events in one’s life. It may sound unreal and supernatural, but like other psychic practices, it’s not crystal clear. It requires honing overtime, as well as plenty of experience.

This extrasensory perception is, indeed, real. People practicing clairvoyance can receive certain signals and pieces of information about different things, be it an event, a person, or even a location. The word comes from French, and it’s self-explanatory, clear seeing.

Simply put, a clairvoyant can see images in their mind.

Interpretation is thoroughly required because, once again, these images aren’t crystal clear. A clairvoyant won’t be able to give you the lottery numbers or describe the ideal partner for you in the smallest detail. Many times, they’re seen like an actual movie, so they’re always moving.

At the same time, it’s worth noting that clairvoyance implies more than just an image. Sometimes, people with an innate talent can also hear voices or particular sounds.

Other than that, clairvoyants see things related to the present, so they are a good source of guidance. They can’t predict things in the future. Some of them also work along with psychics, only to gain an extra layer of interpretation regarding what they see.

Understanding Clairaudience

Clairaudience has a similar explanation in terms of origins. It refers to a clear audio or, better said, clear hearing in the subconscious. It’s one of the most popular innate talents when it comes to seeing, hearing, or feeling things.

Spirits and the universe communicate in a telepathic manner. Without talent, most people can’t hear anything. However, people with this specialization can receive valuable information from spirits. Just like clairvoyance, clairaudience isn’t crystal clear and may leave room for interpretation.

This type of hearing isn’t physical, so it makes no difference how young or healthy you are. Clairaudience relates to hearing based on an extrasensory capability. Sounds don’t feel like coming from the outside. Instead, they feel like an inner voice of the subconscious.

While you can find psychics with the clairaudient specialization, not all psychic readers can provide such services.

Messages come in more forms. Some experts hear voices. Others hear specific sounds, music, or even a ringing noise. Experienced readers can make the difference between one type of message and another.

On the same note, the experience will also help experts in clairaudience make the difference between messages coming from spirits and messages coming from themselves.

Most commonly, clairaudience is used to communicate with spirit guides and angels. While mediums represent a different category of psychics, some experts in clairaudience can also identify messages coming from those who passed away.

The Concept of Clairsentience

Similarly, a clairsentient is someone who can perceive messages through feelings. Feelings are extremely important, after all. They represent the reasons why you drive a car your own way, why you like a specific type of clothing, and so on.

Everything relates to how you feel, from your coffee morning to your romantic relationship.

To most people, it’s only a habit or perhaps a need for something. But deep down inside them, everything relates to how they feel.

Experts in clairsentience see things and receive messages through feelings. It’s a separate psychic ability, not as popular as clairaudience or clairvoyance, but extremely useful. It feels similar to instincts or intuition, but it’s perceived at a much higher level.

Perceiving such messages requires paying attention to energies, vibrations, and emotions. In other words, a clairsentient uses each and every sense in the process.

Now, messages come in more forms. Some may experience a feeling. Others may feel an unusual taste in their mouth. Noises and sounds are also common, not to mention particular memories. Any of these elements can trigger emotions in the reader and pinpoint the right direction for the interpretation.

Every clairsentient feels things in a different way. Besides, each message is sent in a unique manner. The experience cannot be repeated, so every reading is unique.

Besides, some of these messages are sent randomly, without even being in a reading. They come out of nowhere, with no signs whatsoever. That’s why these people are always receptive and must allow time for particular messages to go through.

How Claircognizance Works

Sometimes referred to as psychic knowing, claircognizance is one of the most overlooked psychic skills but also one of the most common ones. Most people call it intuition, yet it usually goes further than that.

Such a psychic reader will be able to see or feel things before they happen. Basically, they know things. It happens to everyone every now and then. For example, if you can complete others’ sentences or you feel like you already know what they’re about to say, you may have this innate skill.

In many situations, it’s just a matter of knowing someone too well. But if these feelings occur with someone you barely know, there’s a decent chance you can experience claircognizance. That’s why it’s such an underrated skill. A lot of people have it but have no idea how to take advantage of it.

Claircognizance comes as spontaneous thoughts. Most people can’t explain how they know things before they even happen, but they do. How it’s used depends on numerous things because you can’t just look for experts in claircognizance while browsing a psychic website.

As a short final conclusion, most differences between clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance are in how these messages are perceived.

All these practices have things in common, such as the ability to see, hear, or feel things that most people cannot. But at the same time, the transmission method is what makes the difference. ​