Types of Psychics and Their Unique Abilities

As you learn more about psychics and explore their abilities, you’ll see different professionals have different specializations. Such things are based on their skills, abilities, and what they want to do, of course. From this point of view, it’s essential to pick someone with the right specialization.

Picking the wrong psychic will affect the accuracy and effectiveness of your reading. How do you choose the right one then? Simple! Here are some of the most popular types of psychics and psychic abilities, as well as what you should expect from each of them. Let’s go!

There are many types of psychics and many kinds of psychic phenomena that one can come across. Of course, some people acquired certain abilities that are considered paranormal: clairvoyance, mediumship, and many others give glimpses of perspectives that might go beyond the mundane daily life. Now, that you know ‘who’ the psychics are, in this blog let’s find out about the ‘what’, how these psychics work, and what they do.

In general, psychic powers are explained as ESP which enables persons to gather information beyond the typical processes of the bodily senses. These abilities can come as texts written as discourses that are distinct from one another, each providing a unique method of viewing information about the other worlds. Here are some of the most frequently seen and practiced forms of psychics and what they can do.

 1. Clairvoyants: The Visionaries

A clairvoyant is the French word for “clear seeing” referring to the power to see things that are not physically possible in the current world. There are usually perplexing visions that clairvoyants get, and these can be images in the mind, symbols, or even complete scenes. These visions can be the visions of the bygone era, of the present time, or the visions for the future world.

Clairvoyance allows skilled psychics to see things that most people can’t. They won’t see every spirit in a room or your loved ones who passed away, but they can see small things, fields of energy, and even auras surrounding you.

Some people believe clairvoyance refers to the ability to see ghosts. However, most psychics can’t see actual human figures. Such a reading can help you with a problem or a piece of advice.

 Common Uses:

– Giving some clues on the subjects of the future.

– Advising on issues affecting person and workplace

– Communicating with spirit.

 2. Clairaudients: The Hearers

Hearing voices or messages from the afterlife is known as clairaudience, or “clear hearing.” Clairaudients may hear informational music voices or other noises. Guides, departed friends and family, or any spiritual being can all provide such messages.

Clairaudience refers to the capability to hear spirits. Such noises can come in all forms. It could be a ringing noise or perhaps a voice. They have different patterns, so a psychic may also hear whistling noises or even music.

Such sources aren’t heard by normal ears.

Furthermore, a psychic will have to determine how to interpret them accordingly. That’s why it’s essential to talk to someone with experience, as they know precisely what a whistling sound means compared to a signal.

 Common Uses:

– Communicating with the family and or receiving guidance from spirit guides.

– The mode of communication that involves interacting with the people who have been buried and are no longer with us.

– Emerging with a clear picture of decision-making on especially contentious issues

 3. Clairsentients: The Feelers

Clairsentience translates to “clear feeling” and entails communication via an individual’s sense of touch or feeling. Clair sentients can observe and experience the situation of another person or even the state of his/her organism at a distance. This ability enables them to resonate in this deep way with the causes and effects that simulate different environments.

Common Uses:

– Emotional healing and counseling

– Energy imbalances that occur in the body

– In feeling that there are spirits or entities around.

 4. Claircognizants: The Knowers

Paranormal cognition belongs to the category of psychic abilities as it means that a person gains some information without having any logical rationale for it. Such Claircognizants report that ideas come and hit them and or they get a clear understanding of something as if it is the first time they are encountering it. It can be described as a form of knowing that does not rely on the rational cognitive analysis that is taught in business schools.

Claircognizance refers to clear knowing. In fact, that’s what the word means in French. It’s a unique ability that lets skilled individuals know something upfront. Basically, they’ll know about a certain topic, situation, or person without having any knowledge whatsoever. These psychics simply know random things.

Like precognition, claircognizance can also be trained. It’s a skill you’re born with, but you can work on it as well.

Again, most people experience such episodes every now and then. For instance, you’ve never met someone before, but when they talk to you for the first time, it almost feels like you know what they’re about to say. You can almost finish their sentences.

This is what claircognizance is about. However, it should not be mistaken for knowing people very well. It’s understandable when you talk to your best friend, but totally unusual when it’s someone you don’t know.

 Common Uses:

– Providing accurate predictions

– Providing depth and knowledge to every topic

– That may be true, but people, given their astonishing ability to solve complex problems intuitively devise more and more intricate punitive measures.

 5. Mediums: The Communicators

It may be noted that only mediums are capable of directly interacting with the spirits of the dead. They adopt the social role of connecting and passing on messages from the physical and the supernatural realms. Many times, it is claimed that mediumship is the use of a mixture of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.

Mediums are able to connect with different types of spirits from other worlds. For example, you could find closure if a loved one has passed away since a medium can establish a connection and transfer messages. Believe it or not, you can also find mediums specialized in pet communication.

Mediumship can be extremely comforting if someone you loved passed away suddenly. At the same time, mediums have gained notoriety over the past few decades by being able to solve mysteries and murders only through deep communication with deceased people.

 Common Uses:

– This aims at examining the concept of grief and its effects on the grievers, and how closure and healing can be achieved.

– Delivering other people messages from beyond the grave

– As providing a claim to substantiate the existence of post-mortem experiences

 6. Empaths: The Emotional Intuitive

An empath is a person who can feel and sense what people around them are feeling and experiencing. They can receive and possibly feel what others are feeling at any given time, in most cases, without saying a word. This ability enables one to be in a better position to comfort and comprehend the other.

 Common Uses:

– Healing the hearts and empowering the mind therein.

– Enhancing personal relationships

– Offering compassionate counseling

 7. Psychic Healers: Energy workers

Psychic healers are people who have the capability of perceiving energies and working with them to cure the sickness of the body and the emotions. It can identify energy issues and problems and their location within the body and help correct them and improve health.

 Common Uses:

– Energy healing and balancing image (Props)

– Clearing negative energies

– Promoting overall well-being

 8. Telepaths: The Mind Readers

Telepathy is the transmission of certain signals or thoughts directly into the brain of the target without having to necessarily pass through the regular recognized channels such as the auditory and visual. Telepaths can send and get telepathic messages and perfectly put themselves in the place of the sender and/or feel the emotions of the sender.

Common Uses:

– Enhancing communication in relationships

– To understand others, especially in terms of what they are thinking and planning

– Enabling positive Association and comprehension

There are obviously other categories and subcategories as well, among them:

Tarot Readers

Tarot reading doesn’t need too many presentations. It’s by far one of the most popular skills and types of readings out there, but you’d still have to research psychics. Some of them specialize in love or career, while others offer a more general approach based on their experience.

The traditional tarot deck has 78 cards and can provide insights into your life, as well as specific aspects like love, career, money, or health. Cards have general meanings, but they’re interpreted according to your unique circumstances, hence the necessity of communication with the psychic reader.


Psychometrists are among the less known types of psychics. They normally communicate with the energy released by a certain object. For example, they can connect to an object and gain insights into the past, present, and future.

This is another popular specialization used by law enforcement when dealing with missing persons.

An experienced psychic can feel the energy of an object by touching it. Everything out there has a field of energy rich in information about the people who came in contact with it. By touching that object, psychics can find information about the owner.

Retrocognitive psychics

Retrocognition refers to the ability to discover things from the past. Such things could go in any direction. You might be able to learn more about the past lives of your spirit, but you can also learn more about certain events that took place before you were even born.

This ability can answer some questions about your current experiences. You can also find some sort of closure with situations and events from your past. It may explain why you feel this way or why you go through certain situations.

Remote Viewers

Remote viewing is a rare skill with extraordinary results. People with proven capabilities are often used by law enforcement to help in different cases, especially after hitting a dead end. Such a psychic can travel any distance with their mind, even distances to other worlds.

They’re able to see things as they happen. They can help if you lose something valuable, even people. Whether you need guidance about your children living too far from you or your partner works in a different place, such a reading will indicate results based on their unique circumstances.

Precognitive psychics

This is one of those types of psychics and psychic abilities that allow you to foresee things. Don’t get too excited; a psychic can’t give you the lottery numbers, but they can showcase potential outcomes based on your situation.

Some of these skills are based on precognitive dreams, but at the same time, such psychics also have a strong gut feeling.

While it may seem unreal, most people experience such situations every now and then, but they have no clue how to interpret them. The phenomenon is known as déjà vu.

 How these Psychic Abilities can be incorporated:

Supernatural powers can be helpful when it comes to improving one’s life, developing oneself, improving relations with a partner, and deepening one’s spiritual status. Here are a few ways to integrate these abilities into daily life:

  1. Meditation and Mindfulness: Meditation regularly will assist to allow the individual to enable their intuition and become more psychic. Prayer meditation can make you wiser, and increase your sensitivity to the message from the spiritual world.
  1. Journaling: Write a journal and keep a record of all the things that you have felt or seen in your psychic ability. You can use this practice to document your performance and evaluate your skills’ effectiveness.
  1. Seek Guidance: For new persons who are willing to dabble in psychic abilities, availing expert psychic or spiritual guidance is a smart move. They can give useful information and help as you grow into a competent consultant.
  1. Practice: Just like anybody else, psychics are gifted with specific abilities, and just like anyone else, they need to develop those abilities. Set aside time each day to exercise your abilities, whether they be in the form of energy work, meditation, or using your intuition.

These are only a few examples of the wide range of psychics and psychic ability types that are present in worldwide. Regardless of the kind of psychic you select, there’s always something beneficial they can say or do for you. One can reach the spiritual realm and unravel mysteries that are difficult to describe in the physical realm by learning about their skills and how to apply them to their everyday lives. There is an almost limitless supply of information available in the field of psychic and magical processes, whether one is seeking assistance, solutions to problems, or simply a fresh spiritual experience.