Famous Psychics Who Shaped the World

People with psychic skills have always been exciting to cultures all over the world. These vivid and well-known psychics have contributed so much. Their contributions are to society, science, international events, and religious practices. We will look at the best psychics in this blog and discuss how their powers have changed both their and our lives.

 1. Edgar Cayce (1877–1945): The Sleeping Prophet

Edgar Cayce is the most well-known psychic of the 20th century. His skills were only revealed later in life. He could only deliver accurate readings while he was in a trance. His conversation was both funny and instructional. His conversation covers subjects including former incarnations and unexpected medical diagnoses.

He provided evidence on his discovery in the universal database for Atlantis. He made some of his most well-known contributions to this. His readings also required the connection of body, spirit, and mind in the creation of a complete health and treatment plan. He founded The Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE). ARE devoted to developing both his theories and paranormal research. ARE is is still operational and working for people.

 2. Nostradamus (1503–1566):  The Prolific Prophet

One of the most well-known prophets in history is Nostradamus. Some of the lines in Les Prophéties, a set of quatrains he published in 1555, resemble some old Latin sixains. Some parts of his work may be considered to have prophetic warnings. Researchers believe that a few of the quatrains forecast the rise of Napoleon, two major wars, and other Bildungsromane events.

It is important to understand that he affected people’s lives in many ways other than using his psychic ability. He studied and continued to discuss specifics of the works and view he left behind on prediction. Since a person’s hope is the forever and ever holy desire of the creative spirit. He will always be one of the most exciting topics to research in the field of prediction.

 3. Jeane Dixon (1904–1997): The Visionary Prophet of the Twentieth Century

Another well-known psychic in the US at the middle of the twentieth century was Jeane Dixon. She had made prediction for various newspapers. Her most famous prediction that many of us know was that President John F. Kennedy would die. Dixon’s skill to predict public events as a psychic healer helped to her huge following.

Jeane wanted to work in politics, the entertainment industry, and the fashion industry. She used to go to TV programs to present her opinions on different issues and was a stylist of so many celebrities. There have been many arguments around her work but she had chance to change the image of psychics. She also faced criticism of her creative ideas, which has led many of her supporters to doubt the veracity of her unique insights.

 4. Sylvia Browne (1936–2013): The Controversial Clairvoyant

Many books written by the popular psychic Sylvia Browne have been shown on television. With time, she got a large audience because of her reputation for doing research on a variety of subjects. She did research on subjects such as life after death and missing persons. She published many books, most of which became best-selling books.

She had many TV appearances, where she provided spiritual guidance and psychic readings. She had an important effect on culture and the subjects of psychic experiences.

 5. John Edward (b. 1969): Bridging the Gap Between Worlds

One of the most popular psychics of is John Edward. He exceled in giving people a chance to speak with those who have passed away. He raised public awareness through his television show. With time he has been successful in gaining acceptance and popularity for psychic abilities. He used traditional methods to study psychic events in these two programs. He also made changes in his methods to make them easier to understand and modern. It appears that this approach was successful.

He was not only limited to TV but he has written many books about psychic abilities. His ability to find spirits and convey messages has made him one of the most popular known psychics.

 6. Uri Geller (b. 1946): The Spoon-Bending Sensation

Popular figure Uri Geller, gained fame for his stated ability to bend metal spoons and forks. Lip-syncing performances in the 1970s brought Geller large attention and he got many TV appearances. He claimed to be able to perform telepathy, remote vision, and other psychic abilities.

Many people call his performances fake and ask him to quit lying. He still continues to be known as an important figure in the debate of psychics. He had an important effect on popular culture and has added to the debate about the accuracy of psychic abilities.

 7. James Van Praagh (1958): The Spiritual Teacher

James Van Praagh was an American psychic. He is one well-known person who improved spiritual contact throughout the world. He has written best-selling books, appeared in television specials. He offered training on dealing with the afterlife, including talking to died loved ones and spirits. His honest approach to teaching people has encouraged individuals to learn and made the practice easier to learn. Even now, He continues to be active in the arts as a writer and teacher also to his readings.

There are many interesting and diverse people in the study of psychic research. They have captured our attention and confused our views of reality. From present to past psychic, these popular psychics have made an important mark on society with their special talents and skills. No matter one’s level of belief or doubt, these stories never fail to grab people’s interest. These motivate more study into the workings of the human mind and soul.

It is important to keep in mind the effect that those people created in the study of these complex subject. They have sacrificed their whole life for this study, we should show interest in these subjects. These and many other physics’ sacrifice should not get waste.