Tarot cards that indicate….

There is a big lists of popular concepts with main tarot cards which represent them.


  • The Empress: Represents fertility, nurturing, and abundance, often associated with pregnancy and motherhood.
  • The Moon: Suggests intuition, potential, and the unknown aspects of conception and growth.
  • The Star: Symbolizes hope and inspiration, aligning with the joy and optimism surrounding new life.

True Love

  • The Lovers: Directly signifies deep connections, romantic love, and meaningful partnerships.
  • Two of Cups: Represents mutual love, attraction, and harmony between partners.
  • The Ten of Cups: Indicates emotional fulfillment and happiness in relationships, often depicting a loving family.


  • The Seven of Swords: Associated with deception, betrayal, and strategic manipulation often found in cheating scenarios.
  • The Three of Swords: Signifies heartbreak, emotional pain, and a love triangle, often linked to infidelity.
  • The Devil: Can represent temptation and unhealthy attachments, which may lead to cheating.


  • The Tower: Symbolizes sudden upheaval, chaos, and potential danger in life.
  • The Seven of Wands: Indicates a defensive posture and the need to protect oneself from external threats.
  • The Five of Swords: Signifies conflict and the potential for harm in competitive or hostile situations.


  • The Death: Represents transformation, endings, and new beginnings. It often symbolizes a significant life change or transition.
  • The Tower: Can also represent the death of old ways or structures, leading to transformative change.
  • The Ten of Swords: Indicates finality and painful endings, which can be interpreted in the context of death.


  • The High Priestess: Embodies intuition, mystery, and the hidden aspects, often relating to secrets.
  • The Moon: Reflects illusion, subconscious, and the unknown, indicating things that are veiled or secretive.
  • The Seven of Cups: Suggests choices and fantasies, often hinting at hidden truths behind illusions.


  • The Five of Pentacles: Represents hardship, illness, and feeling left out or in need of help.
  • The Four of Swords: Signifies rest and recovery, often in the context of illness or health concerns.
  • The Ten of Wands: Can indicate the burdens of stress or illness affecting one’s well-being.


  • The Page of Swords: Represents curiosity, vigilance, and often spying or surveillance behaviors.
  • The Seven of Swords: Again points to deception and stealth, including secretive actions like spying.
  • The Eight of Swords: Suggests feeling trapped and may indicate secretive or covert actions to gather information.

Moving House

  • The Six of Swords: Represents transition and moving from one state to another, often associated with physical relocation.
  • The Chariot: Signifies determination and control, often in the context of moving forward or relocating.
  • Four of Wands: Indicates stability and foundation, often representing new homes and celebrations related to moving.


  • The Wheel of Fortune: Symbolizes cycles, fate, and the inevitability of change and transformation.
  • The Death Card (XIII): Signifies profound change, transformation, and the end of one phase to welcome another.
  • The Fool: Emphasizes new beginnings and taking a leap into the unknown, representative of change.


  • The Lovers: Highlights intimacy and a deep, passionate connection, often related to physical love.
  • The Two of Cups: Represents unity and partnership, often suggesting a strong sexual bond.
  • The Empress: As a symbol of beauty, fertility, and sensuality, it hints at the pleasures of physical intimacy.


  • The Devil: Represents addiction, temptation, and the darker aspects of desire and obsession.
  • The Eight of Swords: Indicates feeling trapped by one’s thoughts or desires, fitting the definition of obsession.
  • The Seven of Cups: Can represent fantasy and illusion, hinting at obsessive thoughts over choices or desires.

Lottery Win

  • The Wheel of Fortune: Suggests luck, fortune, and unexpected gains, making it relevant to winning the lottery.
  • The Sun: Symbolizes joy, success, and prosperity, often associated with positive financial gains.
  • The Nine of Pentacles: Represents financial security and the rewards of material success, including unexpected wealth.

Twin Flame

  • The Lovers: Represents a deep soul connection, indicating the twin flame bond.
  • The Two of Cups: Signifies mutual understanding and love, often depicted in relationships of twin flames.
  • The High Priestess: Represents intuitive connections and deep spiritual bonds that are often associated with twin flames.


  • The Page of Swords: Suggests vigilance and a watchful eye, often associated with spying or stalking behavior.
  • The Seven of Swords: Represents secrecy and cunning, indicative of hidden and potentially harmful actions.
  • The Five of Wands: Can indicate conflict and competition, hinting at negative dynamics as seen in stalking situations.


  • The Seven of Swords: This card directly denotes deception, strategizing, and dishonesty in relationships.
  • The Five of Swords: Represents conflict and betrayal, suggesting scenarios where dishonesty occurs.
  • The Moon: Reflects illusion, confusion, and the potential for deceptive practices.


  • The Two of Cups: Represents harmony and reunion, often signifying reconciliation in relationships.
  • The Six of Cups: Indicates nostalgia and reconnection with past relationships or friendships, often leading to reconciliation.
  • The Judgement Card: Symbolizes rebirth and reflection, suggesting a chance for forgiveness and moving forward together.


  • The High Priestess: Symbolizes inner wisdom and intuition, providing a protective energy as you navigate life’s challenges.
  • The Emperor: Represents authority and stability, offering a sense of protection through structure and control.
  • The Strength: Embodies courage and inner strength, suggesting that protection can come from being strong and resilient.

A Player

  • The Fool: Represents carefree, impulsive behavior, indicative of someone who is non-committal and enjoys playing around.
  • The Lovers (Reversed): Suggests dysfunction in relationships and can signify someone who is not serious, playing games with emotions.
  • The Knight of Wands: Embodies a passionate and adventurous spirit, often seen as a player due to their non-committal attitude.

Good Fortune

  • The Wheel of Fortune: Directly represents luck and fate, indicating a turn of events that brings good fortune.
  • The Sun: Symbolizes joy, success, and positive outcomes, bringing a sense of good fortune and happiness.
  • The Nine of Cups: Often called the “wish card,” it signifies contentment and the fulfillment of desires, representing good fortune.

Twin Pregnancy

  • The Empress: Represents fertility, motherhood, and abundance, strongly associated with pregnancy and nurturing, including twins.
  • The Two of Cups: Indicates partnership and union, which can symbolize the duality of twins.
  • The Ace of Cups: Suggests new beginnings in emotions and relationships, which can align with the joyful news of twin pregnancies.


  • The Ace of Pentacles: Represents new financial opportunities and potential for wealth, signifying money in its most positive form.
  • The Ten of Pentacles: Indicates long-term financial stability and wealth, emphasizing the importance of wealth in family legacy.
  • The King of Pentacles: Symbolizes financial security, abundance, and a successful businessman, embodying the concept of money in its mature state.

Someone Misses You

  • The Six of Cups: Represents nostalgia and memories, indicating that someone is fondly thinking of you and missing the past.
  • The Two of Wands: Suggests contemplation and planning, indicating that someone is considering you and feeling a sense of longing.
  • The Three of Wands: Indicates waiting and looking toward the future, often suggesting someone is missing you as they reflect on their desires.


  • The Lovers: Represents deep connections and partnerships, often associated with soulmate relationships.
  • The Two of Cups: Signifies mutual attraction and connection, often highlighting the significance of soulmates.
  • The Star: Reflects hopes and spiritual connections, indicating the divine nature of soulmate relationships.


  • The Five of Swords: Represents conflict and competition, often indicating jealousy and betrayal.
  • The Seven of Cups: Suggests temptation and illusion, which can lead to feelings of jealousy over options and choices.
  • The Queen of Wands (Reversed): Represents insecurity and jealousy, often manifesting in overly competitive or possessive behavior.


  • The Ten of Pentacles: Symbolizes financial success, inheritance, and the culmination of wealth.
  • The Nine of Pentacles: Represents self-sufficiency and prosperity, indicating personal achievement in wealth.
  • The King of Pentacles: Embodies financial security and wealth management, highlighting stability in finances.

Mental Illness

  • The Tower: Represents upheaval and chaos, suggesting mental breakdowns or crises that can stem from mental illness.
  • The Ten of Wands: Signifies burden and stress, indicating feelings of overwhelm that are often associated with mental health struggles.
  • The Nine of Swords: Known as the nightmare card, this indicates anxiety, sleepless nights, and mental anguish.


  • The Five of Cups: Directly represents regret and focusing on what is lost rather than what remains.
  • The Moon: Symbolizes confusion and fear, often leading to feelings of regret and uncertainty.
  • The Hermit: Represents introspection and solitude, suggesting a period of reflection that can lead to feelings of regret.


  • The Chariot: Represents determination and victory, indicating focused effort leading to success.
  • The Six of Wands: Symbolizes public recognition and achievement, directly tied to the concept of success.
  • The Sun: Represents positivity and success, illuminating the path toward achieving one’s goals.


  • The Star: Represents hope, inspiration, and often, fame, suggesting a public persona or recognition.
  • The Six of Wands: Indicates victory and acknowledgment, often synonymous with fame and appreciation.
  • The Sun: Symbolizes success and recognition, indicating a bright public image associated with fame.


  • The Magician: Represents skillful communication and the ability to express oneself clearly and effectively.
  • The Page of Swords: Signifies curiosity and a desire to communicate ideas, often bringing the message of new beginnings in communication.
  • The Eight of Wands: Indicates fast-paced communication, travel, and messages coming in quickly.


  • The Sun: Symbolizes joy, success, and positivity, representing overall happiness and enlightenment.
  • The Ten of Cups: Represents emotional fulfillment and harmony in relationships, often seen as the ultimate happiness.
  • The Four of Wands: Indicates celebration, harmony, and happy gatherings, often related to family and community.


  • The Three of Cups: Represents friendship, community, and joyful gatherings, celebrating shared happiness.
  • The Six of Pentacles: Symbolizes generosity and balance in relationships, indicating equal give-and-take among friends.
  • The Two of Cups: Represents deep connections and emotional bonds, often related to partnership and friendship.


  • The Five of Swords: Indicates conflict, hostility, and defeat, often representing negative feelings and hate.
  • The Devil: Symbolizes bondage and toxic relationships, reflecting emotions like hate and resentment.
  • The Ten of Swords: Represents betrayal and pain, often relating to feelings of hate or deep hurt.

Break Up

  • The Tower: Symbolizes sudden change and upheaval, often related to a painful breakup.
  • The Three of Swords: Represents heartache and sorrow, commonly associated with breakups and emotional pain.
  • The Death Card: Indicates transformation and endings, often signaling the end of a relationship.


  • The Lovers: Represents attraction, partnership, and deep connections between individuals.
  • The Knight of Cups: Symbolizes romance and charm, indicating a strong attraction towards someone.
  • The Ace of Wands: Represents passion, creativity, and physical attraction, often signaling new beginnings in love.


  • The Empress: Symbolizes fertility and abundance, often linked to creative expression and nurturing ideas.
  • The Ace of Wands: Represents innovation and inspiration, indicating new creative projects or ventures.
  • The Page of Cups: Signifies artistic talents and emotional creativity, often relating to new creative insights.


  • The Five of Cups: Represents loss and grief, often connected to the emotional pain of miscarriage.
  • The Death Card: Indicates endings and transformation, which can symbolize loss and the finality of miscarriage.
  • The Moon: Represents grief, confusion, and emotional depth, often related to the complexities of loss.


  • The Strength: Symbolizes inner strength and protection, representing the power to overcome adversities.
  • The Two of Swords: Indicates the need to guard oneself or make protective boundaries, often in difficult situations.
  • The Seven of Wands: Represents standing your ground and defending oneself against adversity.


  • The Seven of Swords: Represents betrayal, deception, and sneaky behavior, indicating dishonesty.
  • The Moon: Symbolizes illusions and uncertainty, often linked to deceptive situations.
  • The Five of Swords: Indicates a situation where deceit may be present, emphasizing conflict and betrayal.


  • The Star: Represents hope, healing, and renewal, symbolizing the process of recovery.
  • The Four of Swords: Indicates rest and recuperation, often used in the context of healing from trauma.
  • The Temperance: Symbolizes balance and harmony, emphasizing the importance of healing and moderation.


  • The Eight of Swords: Represents feeling trapped and restricted by your own thoughts or actions.
  • The Seven of Cups: Symbolizes confusion and illusory choices, often linked to self-sabotaging behavior.
  • The Devil: Represents bondage to harmful patterns, illustrating self-destructive tendencies.


  • The Chariot: Represents movement, travel, and determination in reaching goals.
  • The Eight of Wands: Indicates swift movement and travel, often signaling upcoming journeys.
  • The World: Symbolizes completion and journeys, emphasizing the importance of new experiences.


  • The Five of Wands: Represents competition and conflict, symbolizing struggles between opposing forces.
  • The Seven of Swords: Indicates deceptive conflict, highlighting betrayal and dishonesty.
  • The Two of Swords: Signifies indecision and the inability to resolve conflict peacefully.


  • The Tower: Represents sudden disruption, often linked to divorce and significant life changes.
  • The Justice Card: Symbolizes fairness and legal matters, frequently associated with divorce proceedings.
  • The Three of Swords: Represents heartache and pain, often linked to the emotional aspects of divorce.


  • The Three of Swords: Symbolizes heartbreak and betrayal, indicating emotional pain caused by dishonest actions.
  • The Seven of Swords: Represents deceit and betrayal, emphasizing the act of treachery.
  • The Ten of Swords: Indicates a painful ending, often associated with feelings of betrayal.


  • The Three of Cups: Signifies friendship and community celebrations, often representing joyous occasions.
  • The Four of Wands: Represents harmony and celebrations, often linked to special events like weddings or reunions.
  • The Ten of Cups: Symbolizes emotional fulfillment and joy, often associated with family celebrations.


  • The Five of Cups: Represents loss and mourning, perfectly capturing the essence of grief.
  • The Six of Cups: Indicates nostalgia and memories, often linked to the grief of lost connections.
  • The Ten of Swords: Symbolizes deep pain and endings, often associated with the feelings of grief.


  • The Lovers: Represents deep connections and partnership, symbolizing love and commitment in marriage.
  • The Four of Wands: Symbolizes celebration and harmonious unions, often linked to marriage ceremonies.
  • The Hierophant: Represents tradition and commitment, often associated with marriage vows.

Mental Burnout

  • The Nine of Swords: Represents anxiety, stress, and mental anguish, indicative of burnout.
  • The Four of Swords: Symbolizes rest and recuperation, pointing towards the need for recovery from burnout.
  • The Ten of Wands: Indicates feeling overwhelmed and burdened, often linked to mental strain and burnout.


  • The Moon: Represents fears and illusions, often symbolizing the unknown and subconscious anxieties.
  • The Nine of Swords: Signifies nightmares and anxiety, directly pointing to feelings of fear.
  • The Eight of Swords: Indicates feeling trapped by fear, representing self-imposed limitations and anxieties.

Spiritual Awakening

  • The Fool: Represents new beginnings and a leap of faith, often associated with spiritual journeys.
  • The Hanged Man: Symbolizes a new perspective and surrender, typical in experiences of spiritual awakening.
  • The High Priestess: Indicates intuition and inner knowledge, emphasizing spiritual insights and awakenings.


  • The Two of Cups: Represents partnership and mutual understanding, often linked to reconciliation.
  • The Six of Cups: Symbolizes nostalgia and revisiting past connections, often associated with reconciliation.
  • The Lovers: Represents harmony and unity, often pointing towards reconciling relationships.


  • The Chariot: Symbolizes willpower and determination, often representing personal independence.
  • The Nine of Pentacles: Represents self-sufficiency, independence, and enjoying the fruits of one’s labor.
  • The Fool: Signifies freedom and a carefree approach to life, often associated with independence.

Emotional Fulfillment

  • The Ten of Cups: Represents emotional fulfillment and happiness in relationships.
  • The Nine of Cups: Symbolizes satisfaction and contentment, often referred to as “wish fulfillment.”
  • The Six of Cups: Indicates fulfillment through nostalgia and emotional bonds with the past.

Creative Block

  • The Seven of Cups: Represents confusion and indecision, which can lead to creative block.
  • The Ten of Wands: Symbolizes feeling overwhelmed, often resulting in a blockage of creativity.
  • The Eight of Swords: Indicates feeling trapped or bound, which can hinder creative expression.


  • The Justice Card: Directly represents fairness, truth, and the law. It indicates the importance of accountability and doing what is right.
  • The Hierophant: Represents social order and moral values, akin to legal principles that uphold justice in society.
  • Strength: Signifies strength in character and the pursuit of justice with integrity, emphasizing moral courage.

Legal Matters

  • The Justice Card: Central to legal themes; it symbolizes judicial decisions and legal disputes.
  • The Emperor: Represents authority and structure, often connected to institutions like courts, emphasizing governance and rules.
  • The Ace of Swords: Denotes clarity, new ideas, and potential legal victories; symbolizes truths and insights often needed in legal matters.


  • The High Priestess: Symbolizes intuition, wisdom, and the subconscious mind, guiding individuals to trust their inner voice.
  • The Moon: Represents the fluctuating nature of intuition and the importance of navigating illusions and emotions.
  • The Hermit: Reflects introspection and the quest for inner guidance, emphasizing solitude to access deeper intuition.

Inner Conflict

  • The Two of Swords: Represents stalemate and indecision, illustrating the struggle between opposing thoughts or feelings.
  • The Five of Wands: Symbolizes conflict and competition, often reflecting inner turmoil and strife.
  • The Devil: Represents bondage to inner demons and unresolved issues, highlighting struggles with temptation and materialism.


  • The Emperor: Embodies authority, structure, and control; signifies a leadership role and governance.
  • The Hierophant: Represents traditional authority and institutions, emphasizing established norms and teachings.
  • The King of Swords: Denotes intellectual authority, clarity, and decision-making power in leadership.


  • The Hanged Man: Represents letting go and making sacrifices for a greater understanding or larger goal.
  • The Death Card: Indicates transformation which often requires sacrifice, ending certain phases to embrace new beginnings.
  • The Five of Pentacles: Suggests a sacrifice made due to hardship, but also calls for resilience in facing tough times.


  • The Fool: Signifies fresh starts and new journeys, capturing the spirit of renewal and potential.
  • The Judgement Card: Represents awakening and renewal, calling for self-reflection and rebirth.
  • The World: Conveys completion and fulfillment, leading to new phases of life and renewal of goals.


  • The Star: Represents hope, inspiration, and serenity; symbolizes faith in the future.
  • The Sun: Indicates joy and optimism, serving as a beacon of hope and happiness in a reading.
  • The Ace of Cups: Symbolizes new emotional beginnings, invoking hope in relationships and emotional ventures.


  • The Six of Pentacles: Represents charity and the balance of giving and receiving, evidencing acts of generosity.
  • The Empress: Symbolizes nurturing and abundance, often associated with generosity and care.
  • The Ten of Cups: Illustrates fulfillment and happiness within family and community, reflecting generous spirit in relationships.


  • The Ten of Pentacles: Represents wealth, inheritance, and family lineage, embodying the concept of legacy.
  • The World: Signifies completion and achievement, suggesting the enduring nature of one’s legacy.
  • The Hierophant: Reflects traditions and teachings passed through generations, indicating a legacy of wisdom.

New Beginnings

  • The Fool: The quintessential card of new beginnings, reflecting adventure and a fresh outlook on life.
  • The Ace of Wands: Symbolizes new opportunities and creative ventures, sparking enthusiasm for new pursuits.
  • The Ace of Pentacles: Represents financial and physical new beginnings, indicating practical opportunities on the horizon.


  • The Death Card: Signifies profound transformation and change, indicating an end that paves the way for new beginnings.
  • The Tower: Represents sudden change leading to realization and transformation, illustrating the dismantling of old structures.
  • The Judgement Card: Suggests awakening and personal transformation, highlighting the journey towards self-discovery.


  • The Empress: Symbolizes fertility, abundance, and creation; associated with growth and natural beauty.
  • The Ten of Pentacles: Reflects financial success and abundance, representing a prosperous culmination.
  • The Nine of Cups: Represents emotional fulfillment and satisfaction, often perceived as the “wish card,” indicating abundance in happiness.


  • The Hermit: Reflects introspection and a journey inward to uncover personal truth and wisdom.
  • The Moon: Represents the exploration of the unconscious, fears, and dreams, integral to the self-discovery process.
  • The Fool: Signifies new adventures and the willingness to explore one’s identity and potential.


  • The Hierophant: Represents guidance through traditional teachings and mentorship, symbolizing the transfer of knowledge.
  • The Emperor: Embodies a wise mentor figure who guides and provides structure, representing authority in mentorship roles.
  • The King of Pentacles: Suggests a nurturing mentor who offers practical wisdom and financial guidance.


  • The Page of Pentacles: Represents an eagerness to learn and explore new opportunities for growth and knowledge.
  • The Eight of Pentacles: Depicts diligent work and mastering a skill through learning and persistence.
  • The Hierophant: Indicates structured education and traditional paths to knowledge acquisition.


  • The High Priestess: Represents exceptional intuition and inner knowledge, offering guidance from the subconscious.
  • The Chariot: Symbolizes determination and focus, often guiding others towards their path with clarity.
  • The Star: Acts as a guiding light, offering hope and direction in times of uncertainty.


  • The Judgement Card: Represents reflection and awakening to one’s true self or purpose, calling for transformative change.
  • The Hanged Man: Indicates a change in perspective leading to enlightenment, symbolizing an awakening to new truths.
  • The Sun: Signifies enlightenment, joy, and the realization of true potential, reflecting a state of awakening.

Divine Intervention

  • The Wheel of Fortune: Represents fate and cycles of life, indicating moments of divine intervention at pivotal points.
  • The Tower: Suggests a sudden upheaval often caused by higher powers leading to necessary change.
  • The Star: Symbolizes hope and faith that divine forces guide our lives toward better paths.


  • The Justice Card: Reflects the concept of fairness and balance in all things, particularly in decision-making.
  • The Temperance Card: Directly represents balance, moderation, and finding harmony in life.
  • The Two of Pentacles: Illustrates juggling multiple responsibilities, emphasizing the need for balance in daily life.


  • The Magician: Represents skill and resourcefulness; signifies the power to manifest desires into reality.
  • The Ace of Wands: Symbolizes new beginnings and the spark of inspiration, essential for manifestation processes.
  • The Empress: Reflects fertility and creativity, representing the manifestation of ideas and growth.


  • The Temperance Card: Embodies harmony and patience, emphasizing the importance of finding balance over time.
  • The Seven of Pentacles: Reflects a period of evaluation and patience, indicating waiting for outcomes based on effort.
  • The Hanged Man: Suggests surrender to the moment and letting time unfold, exemplifying patience in waiting for clarity.

Emotional Release

  • The Five of Cups: Represents grief and loss, suggesting the need for emotional release to heal and move forward.
  • The Tower: Indicates breaking down old structures that may lead to necessary emotional release and catharsis.
  • The Moon: Reflects confronting hidden emotions and fears, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging feelings for release.


  • The Strength Card: Directly symbolizes inner strength, courage, and the ability to overcome obstacles through compassion.
  • The Emperor: Represents control and assertiveness, essential qualities of strength in leadership.
  • The Nine of Wands: Illustrates resilience and the determination to keep fighting through adversities, showcasing personal strength.


  • The Ten of Wands: Strongly represents the feeling of being burdened by responsibilities and the weight of obligations.
  • The Nine of Swords: Illustrates anxiety and mental burdens, reflecting the weight of worries and fears.
  • The Eight of Swords: Symbolizes feeling trapped or restricted, often linked to the burdens one carries mentally or emotionally.


  • The Chariot – Represents determination and the ability to overcome obstacles through willpower.
  • Strength – Symbolizes inner resilience and courage in the face of challenges.
  • Seven of Wands – Indicates standing strong against opposition and fighting for what you believe in.


  • Two of Cups – Signifies mutual respect and harmony in relationships, emphasizing balance and partnership.
  • The Lovers – Represents unity and the harmonious aspects of love and choices, as well as integration of dualities.
  • Temperance – Reflects balance, moderation, and blending different aspects in a harmonious way.


  • Six of Cups – Directly relates to memories, childhood, and reminiscing about the past with a sense of fondness.
  • The Empress – Often connected to nurturing and the comforts of home, evoking nostalgic feelings of warmth and safety.

Childhood Memories

  • Six of Cups – Again emphasizes the theme of childhood, innocence, and happy memories from the past.
  • The Sun – Represents joy and vitality, often linked to the carefree moments of childhood.


  • The Wheel of Fortune – Symbolizes the cycles of life and fate, indicating that things are unfolding as they should.
  • Judgement – Reflects transformation and awakening, suggesting a sense of calling or fulfilling one’s destiny.

Karmic Lessons

  • Justice – Represents accountability and the consequences of one’s actions, reinforcing the idea of karmic balance.
  • The Devil – Can indicate lessons regarding temptation and limitations that need to be overcome.
  • The Tower – Suggests significant upheaval that leads to karmic realizations and necessary change.


  • The Star – Symbolizes inspiration, hope, and the authenticity of being true to oneself.
  • Page of Cups – Represents creativity and emotional expression, often linked to artistic pursuits.
  • Three of Wands – Indicates expansion and looking forward, often about expressing one’s vision to the world.


  • The Hierophant – Reflects traditional values and community structures, emphasizing the importance of belonging.
  • Three of Pentacles – Represents collaboration and teamwork, emphasizing shared goals within a community.


  • Three of Pentacles – Highlights collaboration, skill sharing, and the ability to work together towards a common goal.
  • Two of Pentacles – Indicates balance and the need to juggle different responsibilities, often in a team setting.


  • The Emperor – Represents authority, structure, and the ability to maintain control over situations.
  • Seven of Swords – Can represent issues of strategy and tact, sometimes relating to deceitful control.


  • The Empress – Directly symbolizes fertility, growth, and nurturing aspects of creation.
  • Ace of Cups – Often signifies the beginnings of emotional and creative projects, suggesting new life and love.


  • The Empress – Emphasizes nurturing oneself and caring for personal well-being.
  • Four of Swords – Represents rest, rejuvenation, and taking time for oneself to heal and reflect.

Soul Searching

  • The Hermit – Directly signifies introspection, solitude, and the quest for inner wisdom.
  • Moon – Represents the unconscious mind and the journey through inner fears and illusions.

Psychic Abilities

  • The High Priestess – Represents intuition, mystery, and the deeper aspects of the subconscious.
  • The Fool – Signifies new beginnings and openness to the unknown, allowing for spiritual insights.

Prophetic Dreams

  • The Moon – Represents dreams, the subconscious, and illusions, often linked to messages from the divine.
  • The High Priestess – Emphasizes intuition and receiving insights through dreams and inner wisdom.

Subconscious Mind

  • The Moon – Reflects the hidden and mysterious aspects of the subconscious.
  • The High Priestess – Channels the secrets and intuitive knowledge of the subconscious mind.


  • Ace of Swords – Represents clarity of thought, truth, and the power of intellectual insight.
  • Two of Swords – Can indicate the need to make decisions, reflecting clarity needed in difficult choices.


  • Queen of Pentacles – Embodies practicality, nurturing, and being grounded in the physical world.
  • Four of Pentacles – Represents stability and holding onto one’s resources, suggesting a grounding energy.


  • Strength – Again emphasizes the power of inner strength, overcoming adversity with courage.
  • Three of Swords – While it indicates heartache, it also reflects resilience and the ability to heal.

Divine Time

  • The Wheel of Fortune – Represents the idea of divine timing and the cycles of life.
  • Judgement – Reflects moments of awakening and realization that happen at the right time.
  • The Hanged Man – Suggests a pause or suspension of activity, often hinting at waiting for the right time.