Friend or Foe Tarot Spread

Friendship is priceless, but many times, you can sense that something’s fishy in certain relationships. A good friend should make you feel happy and comfortable. But at the same time, you may feel competition or even jealousy or malice.

A friendship tarot spread can clear the fog and confirm or cancel your suspicions. It can also help you understand particular connections with those around you. Let’s find out why you need a friendship tarot spread and what it can reveal for you.

What’s a Friend or Foe Tarot Spread?

Friendship is one of those aspects in life wherefore you can always ask tarot cards for help, support and guidance. You’ll get some deep insights into your friendship, but also determine potential issues or obstacles, not to mention figuring solutions.

This isn’t all about others’ feelings and thoughts, but also about your emotions. If you’re not sure how you feel about someone, tarot can always clear everything out. You can grow empathy and compassion, but also understand emotions and even the reasons behind someone’s behavior.

A friendship tarot spread will help you resolve a dispute, benefit from better communication and even set some limits in a relationship. You can also identify a theme or perhaps some patterns.

Simply put, the friend or foe tarot spread will allow you to disclose unfavorable elements that could damage your relationship.

As if all these were not enough, tarot cards will showcase the good parts of a relationship and give you a bigger image. With proper guidance, you can create lifelong relationships that nothing can break apart.

Whether you feel positive or negative about a friendship, tarot will reveal its real meaning and what it can do for you.

Cards That Indicate a Friend

There are always cards people look for, regardless of what the reading is about. When it comes to a friendship tarot spread, whether you do it yourself or you ask a professional for support, there are certain things that can indicate the presence of a good friend.

It doesn’t mean everything’s good in your relationship, but at least you know there’s a good foundation to base the friendship on.

  • Three of Cups indicates a good connection, as well as a good company. Both you and your friend have a good time, but there are also warnings to be concerned about. While they don’t affect your connection, there’s a risk for unhealthy habits as well.
  • Two of Cups signifies a lifelong friendship. The cups indicate emotions, thoughts and feelings. This means you and your friend are able to connect at a deep level. Communication is flawless, so you two can sort issues before they become too problematic.
  • Ace of Cups is one of the best tarot cards you can get in a friend or foe tarot spread. It indicates a time in life when you feel good and your wishes come true. In a friendship reading, it relates to a solid relationship that’s worth focusing on.

Cards That Indicate a Foe

There are also cards you may not necessarily want to see in a friendship tarot spread, yet they are just as useful in a reading. Even if it’s not what you want to hear, at least you’ll get some warnings about a potential relationship.

  • Seven of Swords indicates backstabbing. The relationship you ask about is full of secrets and potential issues. There are things going on behind your back, so you need to be careful with this connection.
  • The Devil doesn’t indicate a bad person, but a bad connection. Even if things were perfect between you two, the relationship has gone toxic. This means you two are better off without each other.
  • Six of Swords indicates the fact that you’ll stagnate in this relationship. Your entire growth will be limited by it. It has nothing for you in it, so you’ll rediscover yourself and keep growing only if you leave.

How to Do a Friend or Foe Tarot Reading

A classic friendship tarot spread comes with eight cards, placed in any position. The easiest way to do it is having one next to another. Make sure you set some clear intentions about the reading. Here’s what each card means:

  • The first card showcases the basis of your relationship, such as things you have in common.
  • The second card will help you understand the dynamics in terms of communication.
  • The third card refers to potential difficulties in your relationship.
  • The fourth card shows how loyal this connection is.
  • The fifth card defines things you could do to enhance this friendship.
  • The sixth card defines your personal role in this friendship.
  • The seventh card is similar, but it signifies your friend’s feelings and thoughts.
  • The eighth card is the outcome and defines the future of this connection.

You can also do a smaller friendship tarot spread. Based on your experience in interpreting cards, you can keep things simple and only ask about certain elements.

For instance, a three card friend or foe tarot spread could be more than enough to reveal some useful details about your connection. Here are the questions for each card:

  • What’s the state of this friendship at the moment? Is it going through a good period or a bad one?
  • What are the main obstacles and challenges that prevent your friendship from growing?
  • What can you do in order to nurture this friendship and make it tighter?

Of course, you’ll find other spreads out there. And at the same time, you can also create your own spread based on the questions you need answers to.

Bottom line, the friendship tarot spread can go in more directions. There are plenty of friend or foe tarot spread options, as well as a few common ones. There are cards to look for, as well as cards you don’t want to see.

At the end of the day, whether the reading is positive or negative, it’s extremely useful to understand where you are with a potential friend.