Stina Garbis, also known as Psychic Stina, is a renowned astrologist, psychic and tarot expert with over 30 years of experience in the field. Since young age she dedicated her life to helping others through her intuitive readings. She has become well-known for her accurate and insightful tarot readings, which provide guidance and clarity to her clients. Stina is a lifelong learner and continues to deepen her knowledge and understanding of the spiritual world. She has studied various modalities including astrology, numerology, and energy healing, and incorporates these practices into her readings when appropriate. Stina was featured on Bustle, Vice, E!, The New York Post, Readers’ Digest and PopSugar. She also is an author on WikiHow and her TikTok account has more than 200k subscribers. You can schedule an appointment and get tarot or psychic readings by Stina with email [email protected] or using links below.