Suit of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

What does life feel like? That’s what the Suit of Pentacles is trying to find out in order to guide you in the right direction. As one of the suits in the tarot deck, the suit of pentacles relates to the element of earth. This means pentacles refer to how grounded you are and how reliable this foundation is.

From a different point of view, this Minor Arcana suit relates to the necessity of knowing when and where to plant some seeds in order to see results later. Based on these things, let’s find out together what these cards try to tell you when they show up in a tarot reading spread.

Meaning of the Suit of Pentacles

The suit of pentacles refers to quite a few aspects about your life. They define your responsibility at the moment, but also your resilience. Of course, they can also help you understand your level of reliability in life, whether it comes to love, career or health.

When you see pentacles in your tarot reading spread, they’ll most likely give you some insights into your resources. They’ll help you understand your body, your financial situation or even your sense of security. Again, it depends on the type of reading you’re going through.

Using the Suit of Pentacles in Tarot Readings

The pentacles are sometimes referred to as coins, hence their association with the material world. They’re sometimes seen as symbols of money, yet they don’t always indicate good things. Besides, they can also relate to your health, body and love life.

Given the associations of the suit, it represents practicality but also your determination. When you see such a card in your reading, it means something in your material world requires a bit of attention. It could be something good, but it could also be trouble.

The pentacles may also refer to what you already have. You may have to invest in yourself, but perhaps you’ve already done it, so you can now enjoy the rewards you deserve. It makes no difference what the reading is about, pentacles will help you determine the real value of your assets.

Like other suits in the tarot deck, pentacles come in 14 cards.

Strengths of the Suit of Pentacles

The earth connection relates to everything that matters, meaning the pentacles will also refer to your body and nature. You’ll be given a decent foundation to progress and grow as an individual, regardless of what you need help with.

People who see many pentacles in their readings are normally reliable, but also ambitious. They know what responsibility means and they’re not afraid to put some work in. People represented by pentacles understand that consistent effort will provide rewards.

With these ideas in mind, the suit of pentacles is related to the possibility of standing the test of time.

Weaknesses of the Suit of Pentacles

But like other suits, the suit of pentacles isn’t perfect either. The association with the element of earth means change is difficult to implement. Such people can be stubborn at times. Their reliability could also go a little too far, causing damage in the long run.

Those who are always concerned about money can become extreme or anxious about things, not to mention paranoia. They tend to turn possessive, while greed could also kick in and affect their future actions.

Most pentacles can show such issues in the reversed position. With these aspects in mind, it’s important to understand common sense and focus on it, rather than laziness. Go in the wrong direction and you’ll end up losing.

Most Popular Correspondences for the Suit of Pentacles

The association with the element of earth is the most important one in the process of understanding pentacles because it’s about foundation. Some of the main keywords in such interpretations will include material world, stability and nature.

The duality is passive, while the Jungian function relates to sensations.

Known as coins and disks too, pentacles refer to three zodiac signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Other than that, their direction is north, while timing associations include midnight and wintertime.

Cards in the Suit of Pentacles

Each card in the suit of pentacles has different meanings, whether upright or reversed.

Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles underlines the connection to Earth. This means planting your seeds correctly will show great results overtime. The card advises you to be consistent, but while moving forward with some goals in mind. If reversed, it signifies a lost chance or opportunity, as well as a bad investment if any.

Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles advises you to research and learn some more before actually making a decision. You need patience in the process, so don’t allow anything to rush you, not even the current circumstances. If the card is reversed, it shows you have no balance whatsoever, and you’re disorganized.

Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles is about being a genius. You’re working hard for your goals, sometimes while others go to sleep. The card advises you to keep your concentration at the highest standards if you want to turn your dreams into reality. When reversed, the card shows a lack of organization or teamwork.

Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles can go in two directions. You have financial security, but this also means you have lots of responsibilities. The card advises you to make fair judgments without wasting anything in the process. If it’s reversed, it means you’ve gone greedy and possessive, so you’ll make bad decisions.

Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles shows early gratification, as well as late disappointment. You’re basically sacrificing your relationship, family and friends in order to make money. Money does help, but you do need some balance in life. If reversed, the Five of Pentacles symbolizes charity and recovery in order to improve.

Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles is about giving and receiving. In other words, give now to receive later, whether money or support. On the same note, if you get support now, make sure you can pay back later using the same form or a different form. If the card is reversed, it shows domination, and some strings are attached.

Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles encourages you to keep going. Even if your life looks frustrating or disappointing at the moment, complete what you’ve started if you truly want to see some results. There are no shortcuts in the process. But if the card is reversed, it signifies distractions and effort without any viable results.

Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles isn’t all about getting something done but doing it right as well. Continue your project, but make sure you have a bit of balance in your life if you truly want to see results. If reversed, the Eight of Pentacles tells you that there’s no passion in your work, so your motivation is slightly gone.

Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles is about accomplishment. You’re finally independent, but you do need to find some balance between your work or rewards or you could lose everything in the process. You’re still a priority in your actions though. If reversed, it signifies false success and the habit of spending recklessly.

Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles shows abundance and completion in all aspects of life. Your investment has shown reward. Maybe you want to retire. However, the card is also about strong families, so prioritize your loved ones as well. If reversed, it tells you that there’s a lack of resources and stability in your life right now.

Page of Pentacles

If you see the Page of Pentacles in a reading, you’ll have to research before taking any action. Talk to people with more experience, take a course, you name it. The card basically tells you that you don’t have everything you need to succeed. When reversed, it usually means you feel lazy and unmotivated.

Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles tells you that although you can’t see any results, you need to maintain your integrity and commit to your project. Your work will definitely bring in some results, but you have to push through. The reversed alternative shows laziness and the fact that you’re working with no rewards.

Queen of Pentacles

Seeing the Queen of Pentacles means you need to focus on creating a comfortable and safe environment for those around you. You can solve problems, but you also have to give advice if asked for it. If the card is reversed, it indicates jealousness. You’re self-centered and that won’t help you in the long run.

King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles shows the completion of goals. If you’re not there yet, have patience and make sure you work methodically. If you use logic in the process, your long term goals are only a step away. If the card is reversed, it may show greed, but it can also relate to indulgence.