Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Like any other five in the tarot deck, the Five of Pentacles card shows adversity in one way or another. The card shows a couple of people walking through the snow. They’re rough, meaning they’re probably cold, tired and hungry. This isn’t necessarily about wealth but about other issues in life, too.

A wall in the background looks like a church or at least some sort of shelter. There’s nothing really positive about this card. However, don’t panic, as the Five of Pentacles can be interpreted in different ways. Let’s see all of its meanings and what they try to tell you in an interpretation.

Meaning of Upright Five of Pentacles

In an upright position, the Five of Pentacles signifies insecurities. It shows a hard life, which could be defined by more elements, from poverty and loss to disease and loneliness. The near future won’t bring anything good, so there’s a solid chance you’ll lose something. It could be your health as well.

One person in the card has crutches. It’s a sign of bad luck, meaning there’s not much you can do to change this problem. On the other hand, financially, the upright Five of Pentacles could also show monetary issues, such as debts or loans. From this point of view, it acts like a reminder.

No matter what the reading is about, the upright Five of Pentacles should put you in a state of alert.

Upright Five of Pentacles in Love & Relationships

If you’re single, it feels like you’re on a dead end. It feels like no one really likes you. No matter how hard you try, you’ll never be able to find a partner. You’re almost desperate, feeling like it’s time to quit and focus on something else instead. Loneliness is your new best friend.

Unfortunately, this type of attitude can cause even more drama, so it helps if you at least adjust your mindset.

If you’re already in a relationship, you’ll also feel a bit isolated. Such issues could be caused by your partner or just someone who interferes from outside. Communication is difficult, building an emotional wall between you, too.

No matter how bad it looks, you need to keep it together rather than tear it apart.

Upright Five of Pentacles in Career

In a career reading, the upright Five of Pentacles shows some sort of trouble. It’s not easy. You might feel alone in a project. Maybe you feel like everyone else is against you. In the worst-case scenario, you could even lose your job, so get ready for anything.

If you run your own business, these problems could come close to bankruptcy. It’s a downward spiral because, without training or help, you’ll keep making poor decisions. Throw in bad luck, and the situation will only get worse.

Upright Five of Pentacles in Money

The same goes for your finances. Financial hardship is part of your life if you see this card. You’ll have to stretch and go tight. You may feel cheap, but that’s the only way to go forward, as you’re spending way more than what you make.

Sometimes, the card may also indicate bankruptcy or even eviction.

No matter what you go through, it’s important to seek help because you obviously can’t handle this by yourself. Dress from charity shops if you have to. Start cooking rather than going out. Any coin in your piggy bank can make the difference now.

Upright Five of Pentacles in Health

In a health context, the upright Five of Pentacles shows health related problems. It shows some sort of disease or illness that won’t go away in the near future. Most of these problems are caused by other things in your life, so try to identify the actual causes first.

For example, if you feel anxious and depressed, it could be because of your money problems. No matter what the issue is about, focus on its root and try to fix it in order to see some improvements in other aspects.

For a pregnancy, the Five of Pentacles is a bad sign. If you’re trying to conceive, you may struggle due to infertility issues. You have problems in more aspects of life, so a pregnancy would be too much to deal with anyway.

If you want to know more about someone’s feelings, that person feels hopeless. They’re in a shade of pessimism, so they experience loneliness.

Intentions aren’t bad, but that person is ready to compromise. They accept their fate. They know they can’t overtake sadness at the moment, so they just embrace their state as it is.

People see you as someone who drains hope out of them. It’s not a good feeling, but you’re seen as a negative element in their lives.

In terms of actions, it would be wise to just accept your fate. However, do seek help from someone with more experience, such as a professional or maybe friends and family.

Meaning of Reversed Five of Pentacles

If the upright Five of Pentacles is seen as a negative card, the reversed one is usually a better sign. There’s a bit of hope coming your way. You can finally see that tiny light at the end of the tunnel. Change is definitely in the cards, and in a good way.

If you see this card reversed, it means you’ve already hit rock bottom, so you’re now going in a positive direction. It won’t happen overnight, but you’ll recover. You’ll find stability again, whether it means financially or romantically.

It’s going to be a slow recovery, but at least you’re moving forward.

Reversed Five of Pentacles in Love & Relationships

In a love reading, your sad love life is showing signs of improvement. You no longer feel desperate or rejected. Instead, your relationship is going back on track. Communication and hard work have paid off, meaning your difficult circumstances are now over.

Even if you’re single, you’ll soon notice more attention from people around you. You’ll feel more positive about your prospects. Things are slowly moving in the right direction, but then again, you need to show some patience.

Reversed Five of Pentacles in Career

If you’ve had any issues with your career or business over the past months, the reversed Five of Pentacles signifies some improvement. Things are getting better. It’s a slow process, but things will most likely get back to normal.

No matter how difficult these situations may seem, the truth is you’ll see an upgrade. This could mean many things. Your current job improvement could improve, or you’ll find a new job as well. Keep an eye out for opportunities.

Reversed Five of Pentacles in Money

You’ll notice your finances improving as well. You’ve struggled with money lately, but no matter what financial loss you’ve been through, it’s over now. You’ll end up with a better budget, mainly because of proper financial planning.

Maybe you’ll sort some debt out, or you’ll manage to rebuild your savings account. It’s an ongoing effort. Just because you see some improvement, it doesn’t mean you have to stop. Financial stability takes time to build.

Reversed Five of Pentacles in Health

The same kind of idea applies in a health context. You’ve had some issues with your well-being, while the reversed card shows improvement and a better response to the treatment. Even if you won’t see a change straight away, the fact that you’re under treatment and this will give you a well-deserved peace of mind.

Like in other types of readings, the reversed Five of Pentacles is a positive card to draw in health, too. No matter what treatment you’re under, stick to it.

The card signifies some improvement if you’re trying to get fit, too. Maybe you’ve gained a few pounds lately. It’s time to shed them now.

When it comes to pregnancy, the reversed Five of Pentacles shows you that things could get better. Your fertility issues are slowly reaching an end. Whatever you’re doing, stick to it because it shows positive results, so you can try to conceive again.

If you need to know more about someone’s feelings, the card shows that the time of darkness is ending now. That person feels better as depression fades away and may feel optimistic and energetic again soon.

Intentions are positive, too. That person is ready to come out of their shell and deepen their connection with you. Give them time and stay positive about it.

You’re seen as a source of light. People feel positive in their connections with you. They’re ready to open up, and you’re the best partner for that.

In terms of action, harness your powers and chase optimism because you’ll find your inner strength again.

Numerological Meaning of Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles is associated with the number 5. The good news about this number is it usually brings good luck in life. People represented by this number have clear thinking and can make excellent decisions, but they’re also good at making plans.

Your communication is brilliant. You’re also the type who loves a bit of adventure every now and then. Your personality is dynamic, and that helps in life. Of course, like everyone else in life, they have ups and downs as well.

Astrological Meaning of Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles has a few different astrological associations. For example, it’s often associated with Mercury. In this relation, it grabs qualities like trickery and triumph. Treachery is another element to consider, especially when used as a solution to desolation.

But then, the Five of Pentacles can also be ruled by Venus, which is known for its feminine energy. In this interpretation, people always search for stability. They like their comfort zone, and they find comfort and peace in consistency, so they prefer routines.

Zodiac Correspondence of the Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles has a strong association with the element of earth. It also relates to the first decan of Taurus. Given the more common association with Mercury, people in this sign have a sharp mind and extraordinary intellect.

This could also be a double edged sword. They tend to worry a lot about things that will never happen. But at the same time, their reason and logic are flawless, so they’ll easily find solutions before problems arise.

Yes or No Meaning for the Five of Pentacles

In a yes or no question, the Five of Pentacles may suggest a different answer based on its position.

If you draw this card in an upright position, it shows a no. It’s about struggle and loss. You’re not in the best possible position in life. Therefore, major decisions will often be ruled by emotions, so they won’t be the best. If you have something big in mind, leave it for later, as you risk failing.

In a reversed position, the Five of Pentacles is a yes, but a cautious one. You’ve already been through the worst. Things are getting better, but they’re far from normal. You can clearly see some light, so you have to keep fighting. Get into action and keep going.

Key Actions

The action you should take also depends on the position of the card. Draw it upright, and you’ll need to find some support. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, whether it comes from friends, family or a professional. You’re struggling at the moment, so find assistance to help you overcome this situation.

If you see the card reversed, change your mindset. Things are getting better, and your suffering is over. Arm yourself with confidence and optimism and get to action. You may have to work harder than normally, but at least the situation looks much better.

In short, Five of Pentacles reminds you that while hardships are inevitable, they are also an opportunity for transformation and healing, leading to a brighter and more stable future.

Full list of pentacles cards: