Honoring Ancestors Through Psychic Practices

Throwing honor and paying courtesy to ancestors or deceased persons in a community remained a practice that is evident in almost all societies and cultures in the world. It is a form of honoring the departed and acknowledging the part they perform in their current living world and also in a way calling on them for assistance in the after-spiritual world. Thus, one becomes acquainted with the manner through which spirits help in achieving psychic activities. Below are many actions you can take that will serve to honor your ancestors, and all these are very easy to implement.

 Why Honor Your Ancestors?

In this case, an accent must be made on the fact that our forebears are not simply distant relations; these were the spirits who shaped the course of existence. They can also be applied to claim the presence of roots, stability, and friendship in one’s life. Some of the reasons to honor your ancestors include:

 Spiritual Connection:

The appeal of getting, at the bare minimum, the possibility of contacting your forebears may further boost other forms of spiritual utility.


The role was seen in Woods and other people’s relationships with their parents and grandparents who could advise them on how to tackle some aspects of life.


Regarding general inheritances which are negative, it is also possible to appreciate or cherish one’s forefathers.


It is a way of being grateful, for the lives that one’s ancestors had to give for one to be in a position of living the kind of life that one is living today.

It should also be said that psychic practices are essentially about structuring and governing relationships between individuals.

When one has constructed a physical house to their ancestors, then one can proceed to install different forms of psychism, through which they can be contacted. Here are some simple and effective methods:

1. Meditation

Prayer is a forcible manner of conveying your utterances to your forefathers. Custody of the heart is thus also readiness to be quiet, readiness to listen, and readiness to be empty so that communication may occur.

How to Meditate:

Get comfortable at your altar, and then light a candle and close your eyes. Let us calm ourselves for a while, sit down, and take a few breaths. Picture your ancestors being around you, empowering and encouraging you in whatever you are doing. In this case, you could ask them out loud or without words for their blessings or just be in their company, feeling their vibrations.

Guided Meditation:

It is wise to follow a guided meditation that is created to establish a link to your ancestors. These can assist you in remaining vigilant and expanding your experience.

2. Tarot or oracle cards

Tarot and Oracle cards, in particular, are perfect for calling the ancestors. They can offer communication from the other world, thereby helping you understand how your ancestors are active in your life.

How to Use Cards:

Before beginning, it is crucial to clear the deck and to state your intent of speaking with one, if not more, spirits. Spend some time contemplating your forefathers and then mix the cards and either pull one or do a spread. Feedback, if received, should be listened to; messages and symbols received are messages from the ancestors.

– Card Spreads: One useful spread is as straightforward as the following:

– Personality Card 1: What advice does my family have for me?

– Card 2: Great advice, but how do I carry that into my everyday life?

– Card 3: My ancestors’ advice in this scenario?

3. Dreamwork

It is very much clear that dreams are messages from our ancestors to us. Before going to sleep, make it your intention to communicate with your ancestors, and thus you may be open to their messages in your dreams.

How to Practice Dreamwork:

Before you go to bed in the evening, spend five to ten minutes sitting at your altar, with a candle lit, and then tell your ancestors, ‘Please, talk to me in my dreams.’ Wear a wristwatch and as soon as you wake up or if you wake up in the middle of the night from a dream, move the wristwatch to your other hand and start immediately writing down your initial impressions.

– Dream Symbols:

In the case where you have had such dreams, involving symbols, people, or other events you think are associated with your ancestors, then try to concentrate on them. Eventually, you might be in a position to ‘see’ cycles or frequencies that are relevant in significance.

4. Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is a kind of technique whereby a person allows his hand to write things that he has no control over, to receive messages from the spirit world. It can be a direct means through which you wish to send your messages to your forefathers.

How to Practice Automatic Writing:

Find a quiet place, preferably one that is near the altar you have chosen, and bring with you a pen and paper, and keep them in a place where they can easily and comfortably be used. Do as if you are going to perform a holy act, burn the candle, and take a few breaths to prepare yourself. Now you,—write, and write on, carelessly and without any consideration of what, in your rational state, you would write. Try this then: for 30 minutes at the start of the activity, write without a care for the grammar, or if the words make sense or not. Then attempt to read what you have written to generate the potential of getting some messages and/or some ideas.

Regular practice:

The more often you perform the mechanics of automatic writing, the better your chances of receiving messages from your forebears.

5. Rituals and Ceremonies

It requires associations with rituals of recalling the deceased, and this is done when one is in a celebration; for example, the annual celebration of the death of the dear ones who are now ancestors.

Simple Ritual Ideas

Lighting Candles:

For some important days, one has to light a candle in front of the photographs and speak the names of the ancestors one wants to thank.

Offering Food:

Any idea what kind of food a prehistoric man would have taken, prepared, and then piled up a part for sacrificial purposes on a plate?

Ancestral Stories:

For at least two weeks, take regular time to talk about your ancestors in any way that you can: to yourself or to close members of your family, or by writing in a diary or journal. This, in a way, assists in maintaining them nearby, frequently reminding you of the friendship that exists between you and

Cultural Rituals:

As you know, there are many cultures in the world, and each of them has a peculiar way of conducting themselves in reverence to their ancestors. If one belongs to a culture that practices the worship of the ancestors, these practices can be incorporated into the spiritual.

Dialing Down the Ancestors in Daily Activities

The next logical step is not simply to bring a hope chest into each grandchild’s home but also to live according to your ancestors’ advice from that day on. Here are some ways to do this:

Daily Gratitude:

Take as little as several minutes daily and say thank you to your ancestors for being a great help.

Living Their Values:

Explain what your forefathers and mothers have done for you, and the principles which you ought to practice. The best way is to address them towards one’s own experience, such as, for instance, benevolence, diligence, and voluntary community service.

Carrying Their Memory:

To be fashionable is to wear an ornament, to use an object, or to carry a picture of ancestors with one always. It can help remind you of their power and support each day; it will also help panelists focus.

Building a constant friendship with your parents

If a person wants to be sure that the spirits of his or her forerunners will agree to perform psychic practices, he or she must be firm in a relationship with the spirits, and the only and best way is to start the relationship. Thus, after some time, those who decided to respect their ancestors, this is likely to develop this kind of connection – of strength, comfort, and inspiration during the path to spirituality.