Home, childhood, innocence, nostalgia, all these things go hand in hand if you draw the Six of Cups. The card shows a couple of kids, six cups, and white flowers. It shows a bit of action, but also a safe environment due to the fort surrounding the kids.
To most people, the Six of Cups shows peace from within. Its interpretations, however, can be both positive and slightly negative. Which one suits you? Here’s everything you need to know while trying to determine the meaning of the card.
Meaning of Upright Six of Cups
The Six of Cups is usually associated with happiness and peace. Maybe it tells you that you’re in a bad place and you need to return to a peaceful time. Sure, memories are in the past, but this could also mean that those times are the only solution to regain your happiness.
While the Six of Cups shows how nice it was to have no worries whatsoever, it also tells you that you shouldn’t live in the past.
On another note, the upright card could also indicate your return to a familiar location. Maybe your hometown or even an old job. You’re definitely trying to reconnect with the past in one way or another.
Since it’s right after the Five of Cups, which suggests a loss, the Six of Cups could tell you that you’re trying to find an answer to current struggles by looking in the past.
Upright Six of Cups in Love & Relationships
The past is slowly coming back to life with this card. In a love reading, it tells you that you reconnect with old yet happy memories. You’ll appreciate your partner’s feelings for a family, but you may also reconnect with an ex-partner.
If you’ve had a tough time in the recent past, the card tells you that things are improving.
With all these, it’s important to avoid living in the past. Use it for good memories and lessons, but that’s pretty much it.
Upright Six of Cups in Career
In terms of career, take a look back and see what got you where you are today. The upright Six of Cups is trying to tell you that the past holds some valuable lessons which you could benefit from today. Otherwise, you’re likely to make mistakes again.
This isn’t just about doing things right but also about avoiding mistakes.
At the same time, based on your current position in life, the card could also tell you that you’re not 100% happy with your career right now. Perhaps you’re reconsidering it, or maybe you’re thinking of going back to a position from the past.
Upright Six of Cups in Money
The positive profile of the upright Six of Cups could also relate to your money. If you’re having a financial reading, the card could indicate a donation or maybe a gift. It could also relate to your ideas to share some of your fortune.
Given the association with the past and childhood, it could show a connection with family members.
For example, it could tell you that you’re going back to live with your parents, which will allow you to save more money. You could also be on the other side of wealth, going back to your hometown or welcoming family members over to share your wealth.
Upright Six of Cups in Health
In a health context, the card invites you to be charitable towards people in bad health condition. There are people out there who need more support than you can imagine. It could be someone you know, as well as a charity supporting people you don’t know.
The card may also tell you that you have a fast paced life. In the long run, it will become more and more stressful, leading to various illnesses. This means that simplifying life and going back to basics might be the best way to recover.
The upright Six of Cups is a good sign if you’re trying to conceive. It shows childhood and comfort, so it’s the perfect time to start a family or perhaps expand your current one.
If you need to know more about someone’s feelings, the card shows comfort. You’re that person’s comfort zone, so they feel good next to you. They can be themselves to 100%, and they’ll never hesitate to share their thoughts or opinions.
Their intentions are authentic and natural. They don’t have anything to hide, so they’ll be completely honest with you. You add to their confidence as well, whether it’s someone at work or in your personal life.
They see you as a safe friend or partner. They know they have nothing to hide when they’re with you. They’re not ashamed or afraid to express themselves in a natural manner, so they see you as someone who they can count on.
When it comes to action, the upright Six of Cups tells you to learn from your past. Focus on the present, but apply your past experience to make it better. It also tells you to embrace your relationships (both personal and professional) with wisdom and warmth.
Meaning of Reversed Six of Cups
The reversed Six of Cups tells you that you’re clinging to experiences from your past. Sure, exploring memories is a good thing, but remaining there is a bad idea. The past is only a thorough guide for your future.
From a different point of view, the card may also tell you that you’re failing to meet your childhood goals. Instead of dreaming, you should just focus on finding ways to get there.
Reversed Six of Cups in Love & Relationships
The message is pretty much the same if you get the Six of Cups in a reversed position. Something from your past is holding you back. It could be an ex-partner or maybe a past relationship. You just can’t open up to anyone else.
It could be because you don’t imagine you’ll ever meet someone better than your ex-partner. There’s a reason why they’re no longer there. Forget about the good parts and try to see the bad parts as well. It could help you lose the past and focus on the future.
Such an attitude will prevent you from finding a new partner, but it’s also unfair to the other party if you’re already in a relationship.
Reversed Six of Cups in Career
The reversed Six of Cups shows that your work is stale. There’s no progress whatsoever. It’s frustrating, and it feels like you’re stuck. You need to find something more exciting.
Regarding comfort, the card may also show your willingness to leave this workplace and find something more comfortable. On the other hand, if this is your comfort zone, you may choose to stay there even if you don’t like it that much.
Generally speaking, when this card is in reverse, there’s definitely a lesson to learn. Avoid negativity in the workplace and try to learn from the past in order to build the future.
Reversed Six of Cups in Money
Reversed, the card shows that you’re ready to leave the comfort of your home. It’s time to move out of your parents’ home, leave your hometown, and so on. Financially, this is a sign of maturity. You’re there, so it’s time to manage your available funds, get disciplined, and grow.
Such a change implies getting out of your comfort zone, but it’s mandatory at some point in life.
Reversed Six of Cups in Health
The reversed Six of Cups shows health related issues. They won’t really affect you physically, but emotionally. Unless you’ve had an accident as a kid that traumatized you for life, most of these issues relate to unresolved issues from your childhood.
Seeking help from a professional could help you make a better choice.
If you’re trying to conceive, start, or enlarge your family with a baby, the reversed Six of Cups is a bad sign. It shows fertility problems, as well as problems with a potential pregnancy.
Worried about someone’s feelings for you? The respective person is clearly stuck in the past. Their nostalgia has gone too far. While the past is definitely comfortable, it can also prevent growing.
Such people would rather go back to where they were than find a solution.
Intentions aren’t negative, but you need to expect that person is ready to reject the future. They focus on the past, so if you’re trying to advance, they won’t necessarily join you in this venture.
Unsure how someone sees you? If you see the card, it tells you that you’re the one stuck in the past. They want to enjoy the present moment with you, but they can’t.
In terms of actions, forget about the past for now. You have to force yourself to see the future and work on it. The past is valuable, but never more important than the future, so you need to do a bit of work.
Numerological Meaning of Six of Cups
The Six of Cups is associated with the number 6. The number itself radiates joy and life. From this point of view, it could be associated with the energy of the sun. In classic numerology, the number 6 relates to love and joy.
The number 6 is also seen as the mother of all the other numbers because it brings families together.
Simply put, the number is gentle and loving, but also trustworthy. Someone with this number guiding their path should have a family or work in teaching, assistance or other similar domains. They have a natural urge to help and protect.
Astrological Meaning of Six of Cups
The Six of Cups has more astrological interpretations.
Generally speaking, it’s associated with water. However, its ruling element is the sun. The sun is associated with childhood and innocence. It’s about purity, which is exactly what the Six of Cups reveals, too.
At the same time, the Six of Wands could also relate to Venus, the planet of nurturing love. That’s why those seeing this card are sometimes considered natural protectors of life. They like to help and provide safety.
Zodiac Correspondence of the Six of Cups
Despite quite a few different associations in terms of planets and astrology, the Six of Cups is most commonly related to the zodiac sign of Scorpio. The sign can relate to numerous elements, like excitement and passion. It’s representative for those who live life to the fullest too.
However, despite all these, there has to be a mission.
Given the nature of the sign, it’s a fierce thing. Mixed with the natural need for care and safety related to the Six of Cups, this mix of energy shows someone who can succeed in life by learning from the past, but with small obstacles here and there.
Yes or No Meaning for the Six of Cups
The upright Six of Cups tends to be positive, so it’s often seen as a yes card. It tells you that the current situation is warm and familiar. You’re stable from an emotional point of view, and while you connect with the past, you’ll also enjoy meaningful memories in the present.
The reversed position leans towards a no. The current situation needs fresh planning. The past must be left behind.
In this position in a yes or no reading, the card advises you to forget about familiar ways to see things. Instead, you need to get out of your comfort zone for a while.
Key Actions
The upright Six of Cups tells you to pay attention to small things and find passion in small things. You’re told to engage in activities with friends and family, the types of activities that feel comfortable and natural.
You could go back to an old hobby, for instance.
When reversed, the card gives you a warning. You’re not going in the right direction, so you need to change the way you see life. Sit back and plan everything from scratch with a fresh perspective. That will put you in the right direction.